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“If only I’d known you were here, I would’ve come to this shop sooner and picked you out right away. No matter, though. You’re mine now, and I’m the luckiest girl on the block to have someone so precious for my afternoon snack. I mean that,” Scarlett said with a wink. She raised her hand up closer to her gorgeous face, momentarily abating Joel’s fears again while she smiled down on him like a benevolent golden goddess. “How old are you, Joel? You just tasted so fresh.”

“I’m… eighteen.”

“Wow. Very young,” she answered, obviously taken aback. Her jaw hung open and her eyes widened. “Just seven years younger than me. But, I guess I should’ve known. You really were so sweet. I have to say, I can hardly wait to get you home and show you the inside of your new home. I’m almost tempted to do it right here and now, but you’re too cute to look at. It’s a dilemma, for sure.”

“W-Wait, you’re… s-still going to do it, even though I’m… only that old?”

“Yes, cutie. Why wouldn’t I? I’ve done it many times before. I just have a taste for ones on the younger side like you.” Scarlett said this as though it might reassure him. “I’ve eaten at least a few hundred. And the flavor only gets better the more of you I have.”

“It’s j-just… just…”

“Don’t be nervous, little one. Just say what you want to say. I won’t judge you.”

“…I h-haven’t gotten to have… a real life. I haven’t even been alive for two decades, and most of that time I spent living in cages. And y-you’re just going to… take it away? W-When I’m finally out?”

“That’s true, but… Joel… surely you just answered your own question?” she replied, petting the boy’s back with her thumbpad. “You said yourself that you haven’t gotten a real life. Well, sad as it might be, boys and men don’t really have one of those. None of them. The so-called lucky ones end up in cages for their whole lives, and you know better than most boys your age how awful that is. It must have felt like an eternity, just sitting alone for years, waiting to be chosen, but never leaving or seeing anything new.”

“I g-guess so,” Joel glumly sighed. “But, that was because I didn’t have anyone to talk to, or anyone I could try to make happy. P-Please, I… I could be a good pet for you. I’d do tricks, I’d dance, I’d sing for you, I’d give you compliments all day long. I’ll even t-try to clean your house for you, I-”

“Oh, Joel. Sweet, precious Joel,” Scarlett giggled, daintily covering her mouth. “You make a good argument, and that does sound adorable to see you performing, but… cleaning my house? The strain of a single day trying to scrub my floors would break you. And while it would be cute to come home and see you dancing and waving at me, well… I’ve always been a believer in keeping things short and sweet. It’s better that way.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“Like… spending one’s money on experiences, not things, you know? Nothing worth having lasts forever, and in my experience, eating a boy, even if the occasion is only a flash compared to a longer stay, is way more enriching… for both of us… than whatever boring time would be spent with him cooped in a cage and me, staring at him in there, just wishing I could taste him permanently. I know for sure I’d go crazy, seeing you in a box day after day, wanting so badly to eat you. I’d never make it, Joel. I’m only human. And I’m sure you would get tired of being kept in there like an animal, having to work day in and out to earn your keep. It just doesn’t sound pleasant for anyone.”

“B-But… I’d get to live…” Joel said, his eyes watering now, though he bowed his head to hide it.

“Oh, little one… don’t cry, please,” Scarlett shushed. Her fingertip stroked up and down his back again, even dabbing carefully at his cheeks as a microscopic tear fell. “Just listen to me. Think of it like this. Have you ever… been close with someone? Been touched by them in ways that made you feel really alive?”


“Like this. Come here,” Scarlett murmured, and brought Joel to her lips. The top and bottom puckered together like warm sticky pillows, and plastered comfortably against the tiny boy’s whole head and chest.

The kiss lingered for a lovely minute while the giantess continued sauntering down the road, leaving Joel adhered pleasantly to her mouth as it undulated and frothed against him. Midway through the smooch, her serpentine tongue prodded between the fleshy barrier and licked her property upside the face again, contributing even more to the heat, moisture, and tactile sensations that were awakening something in the intimacy-starved eighteen-year-old. With one last sloppy sampling, she ended the giant make-out on a pop, and left the dumbfounded boy to slump in her palm.

That was what I meant,” she whispered so quietly that it nearly put Joel in a dreamlike trance. “You can’t possibly compare being trapped in a box like a gerbil for your whole life, singing and dancing until you’re too tired to move, with this. With… feeling something deep inside, being near to someone who wants to share that experience with you. Well, I can tell you, Joel, you’ll get all of that, and then some, when I swallow you. You’ll be so near that you’re actually a part of me. Yes, there is a limit to it, but inside that window of time is more meaning and pleasure than you could ever find living out your long days in a cage as just some “thing.” I want you to be more. I want you to go inside me, and feel better than you ever have, and know that it’s the right thing for both of us. Do you understand now?”

“I… I…” Joel muttered. Too flustered by all the drooling and kissing, which had left his face and his paltry pet-shop clothes soaked through, he felt like he had to recalibrate his brain just to speak again. But the fact that survival instinct no longer even jumped to his defense with a defiant “NO” had to mean something dire. No matter how much dread Joel still felt within, some part of Scarlett’s message had touched him and made him feel more needed than he ever had in his whole short worthless life as a puny living toy.

“I thought so,” Scarlett said with her broadest smile yet. Her angelic features became so mesmerizing in her state of adoring bliss that Joel literally couldn’t blink. The girl pressed a fingertip to his diminutive lips. “You don’t have to speak again, little one. It’s all right. Just let me take care of the rest. We’re almost there now.”

Indeed they were, arriving on the lawn of her apartment a minute later. Shortly thereafter, the pair were truly alone together in Scarlett’s tastefully decorated home, adorned with floral patterns and bold red hues that reminded Joel strikingly of the woman’s painted lips and their every motion to lay sweet words upon him, to part and make way for her tongue, and eventually to make him food. He could already envision it, even knew what it might feel like to be consumed after that passionate kiss she’d gifted him had rubbed her lips and tongue over most surfaces of his tiny body. Perhaps most hauntingly of all, Joel’s heartrate was actually beginning to drop from panic-mode.

No matter whether he had faith in Scarlett’s own beliefs on short-but-sweet experiences, living life to the fullest before its end, Joel had been sufficiently tranquilized by her words, her kindness, and her transfixing beauty. Through every stage of his prolonged last rites as an uneaten boy, he laid in relative peace, following the giantess’s instructions to let her handle everything. She undressed him with such care, then went on kissing and tasting him in his bare form, pinning him to her soft palm with wet lips and a curious tongue. During this time, Joel had the most intense and euphoric experience of his life, just as she’d promised. No part of him now wished to fight her. When the time felt right, she took him into her mouth, so reverently that he hardly noticed it until he felt the sweltering humidity on his skin and her saliva pooling around him just before her tongue wrapped over like a soggy blanket.

Their affair continued, only now with Joel inside her mouth, but he wasn’t dragged straight for her gullet with no fanfare. Instead she continued to treat him with the same loving attention by swishing him in slow circles from cheek to cheek, bathing him in spit and fondling his every miniature curve.

This was the real show, and it lasted for close to an hour, tonguing and sucking and baptizing him in her perfect mouth. Scarlet lit up Joel’s senses, making the little man feel things he never dreamed he’d feel before meeting his end. In this way, he at last had to acknowledge the wisdom of her hungry philosophy. As a male, clearly the bottom of the food chain in the scale of world power, from the moment of his birth he was practically fated to meet an ill end thanks to his giant supremes. Whether he was crushed, crunched, suffocated, or simply starved by an owner who forgot he existed, Joel was headed for disaster by nature of his size and sex. How lucky, then, was he to have gone into the hands of someone who wished none of those horrible things for him? True, as they’d discussed, his time would be short, but how wonderful this felt, to have compressed a lifetime of pleasures into an hour, for a boy whose life was otherwise assured to be tragically cut off by some other giant sadist just for a laugh.

By the time the hypnotic blonde colossus swallowed her purchase at last, Joel managed a hint of gratefulness. He didn’t struggle, but rode the wave of ecstasy all the way down the slimy chute, hugged by the walls at every interval, until he landed in his final resting place with remarkable contentment, letting the darkness, dampness, and brief yet mind-blowing memories of Scarlett lullaby him to eventual sleep.




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