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“I’ll come by your apartment around seven, okay?” Kaylee said. The volume of her voice had returned to earthshaking decibels, reminding Brandon definitively that he’d just been romantically propositioned by an actual giantess. If that wasn’t enough, the sight of the kind-hearted blonde stretching back to her four-hundred-plus-foot height really drove the point home. Brandon had to crane his neck all the way back to make out her beaming face from this distance; on solid earth, even the girl’s slip-on ballet flats were something like yachts.

“Sounds good,” Brandon said, still unable to keep himself from saying things he’d probably regret later. He doubted she could even hear him.

“See ya later, cutie.” Kaylee winked, waggled her fingers in a regal princess fashion, and strolled back down the street. Every footfall rumbled the ground below Brandon’s jellied legs, until Kaylee had turned around the block, though even then, most of her body was still visible over the rooftops.

Overwhelmed, Brandon slumped back into a bench before his bones gave out.


In hindsight, it was foolish for Brandon to watch the door of his apartment, but his nerves were so frayed, logic had gone out the window. This was why he was startled to hear the sound of glass rapping loudly by the balcony. Turning around, he saw those same giant, elegant fingers tap-tap-tapping away at the window to get his attention. Through the adjoining gateway, he could make out a single gemlike blue eye peeking inside the relative dollhouse that was his apartment. She knew he was here. There was no backing out.

Hello in there. I see you,” Kaylee cooed, obviously just greeting him with some lilting humor, but Brandon couldn’t help but feel trapped by the idea that his accidental girlfriend could simply kneel outside his apartment building and find him. There was no way to leave this place without being spotted by her. Brandon stepped onto the balcony.

“H-Hi,” he mumbled.

“I can hear you’re nervous still. I kinda am, too, honestly. I mean, I’m sure you know it’s not super-often that little people and giants get together,” Kaylee confessed, hands over her heart. Even bowed on her knees beside the building, she still had to duck down to get within comfortable range of Brandon’s vantage. “But it’s okay. All that matters is that we got it out there. How we feel, I mean. Everything else can just be… fun little surprises, you know?”

“Yeah, I… think so too.”

“Awesome. God, it was tough, waiting to see you again, now that I know you feel the same as me. Come here, you adorable thing.” There was no prompting this time. Kaylee’s hand rose into view, her fingers pre-emptively curling in anticipation of containing her chosen mate. Rather than taking the same time to curl him finger by finger into her fist, Kaylee was a bit more forward this time, instead collecting Brandon amongst the bundle of her softly clawed digits.

Briefly jostled but not uncomfortable, the tiny man was turned head-over-heels inside Kaylee’s gently caged hand as she lifted him up. His face smushed along the buttery-smooth valley of her palm, before he righted himself when the girl’s fingers parted again. There was decidedly less room to move around now, compared to their earlier encounter. Whereas Kaylee’s palm was flat and open then, maximizing Brandon’s freedom of movement, she was a bit more protective, perhaps even possessive this time, keeping her fingers frozen in tidal wave shape at Brandon’s back.

“Oops. Sorry. I, uh, guess I didn’t ask this time,” Kaylee observed once she was back at full height and cupping her new boyfriend in front of her face. The moonlight reflected in her blue eyes, and Brandon saw an instant of remorse. “I hope you don’t mind, Brandon. I just wanted to hold you again. It… felt so nice, earlier, having you in my hands. Close to me.”

“It’s okay,” Brandon lied. He wrung his knuckles, stuck firmly between horror at being snatched like a toy from his balcony, and the very-real possibility that he was starting to feel something more than a surface level attraction to this giant woman. What was happening?

“Now, where were we before?” she asked. Kaylee’s voice took on a sudden playfulness. Her thumb and index fingers squeezed softly around his forearm: her best attempt at hand-holding. She raised an eyebrow, winked again, and they both knew the answer well before anyone had to say it.

“Uh… I think I remember.”

“Me too. Sorry if this gets a little bit messy for ya, cutie, but I can’t be held responsible for anything on a day like this, when I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time,” Kaylee warned sweetly. “Now let’s stop the talking for a minute. Please. Just kiss me.” Just like before, she cupped her hand toward her mouth for a smack of affection, but as advertised, the experience was different for Brandon as soon as he impacted those velvety, glossy lips.

Kaylee was not contented with a mere peck. There was no mistaking it. This was a kiss. Undulating lips smothered Brandon down against the girl’s palm, suction buckling around his head and popping the pressure in his ears. A droplet of saliva bubbled at the first compression of her adoring lips, then soaked into the lapels of Brandon’s shirt. The upper and lower lips swam, flapping with the effort to keep from outright suckling Brandon’s whole head inside her mouth like a lollipop. Kaylee’s fingers were back to their former games as well, caressing the young man’s chest and sides, even tracing along his legs and flirtatiously riding her thumb up between them. The smooch soon turned into a full-blown make-out. Kaylee released the softest of moans from the depths of her gullet, occasionally reuniting her lips only to wrap them back over Brandon’s face. Her tongue even flickered out a time or two, doing no more than lapping teasingly at the little man’s head before she retracted the slimy muscle and resumed the gentler massage of her exploratory lips.

And despite himself, Brandon felt some baser instinct overcoming the fears and reservations. He clenched his mouth and did his best to kiss back, tall an order though that was.

“How was that, cutie?” Kaylee asked, her eyes bright. An undentable enthusiasm radiated from her.

“G-Great,” Brandon stammered. Even he couldn’t tell whether that was an exaggeration or not. He was in this now, though. Why not try to enjoy it just a little?




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