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The little woman did her best to blot out the sound of Sarah’s voice in her mind. If one thing was for certain, it was that she’d never reach orgasm by listening to the babbling, irritating commentary from her hostess. Unfortunately, Sarah’s presence was as loud as ever at this close range, especially with her muggy morning breath still seeping down around Nadia. The conditions were not ideal.

Still, as Nadia was forcibly humped by the giant eighteen-year-old’s finger, the woman did her best to focus on something, anything, which could make this process go faster. She conjured Matt in her memory, and the last time they’d had sex, the day before he disappeared into Sarah’s greedy clutches. Of course, that gentle experience was unsuitable as a point of comparison for this current sensory torment, because Matt’s entire body wasn’t nearly as strong or rough as the unhelpful teen’s curious fingers. This was more like being fondled by a punching bag. Just to spice it up, Nadia imagined her other sexual partners prior to Matt as well. All she needed was a spark of arousal, and maybe she could appease Sarah for now.

Yet still nothing happened. Her loins weren’t stirred, and not a drop of moisture was produced, which Sarah was obviously intent on seeing. The girl’s baby-blue eyes loomed ever-nearer, unblinking and waiting for some sign of completion. That ravenous fingertip picked up the pace, scrubbing firmer every second, which only made it more difficult for Nadia to engage.

All Nadia could do was lie there like a voodoo doll and let Sarah make her cruel attempt. The little woman hadn’t been made to feel so strangely lifeless in quite a while. And that included months of being continually trampled in Amy’s ragged Birkenstocks beneath volleyball-scoured soles, plus the bizarre and frightening taste-test encounter with Evangeline’s sour post-workout toes.

“Queenie, you’re not even sticky yet!” Sarah commented. She paused briefly in her masturbatory siege, and lifted her fingertip up for inspection. The girl squinted, raising an eyebrow in confusion at the dry surface of her skin. “What’s wrong, huh? Why don’t ya tell me, and then Mommy can make it aaaaaall better for you.”

“Well, for starters, you’re trying to rape me with your finger,” Nadia snarled with so much venom, it seemed impossible Sarah could read anything but malice in her tone. The anger dispensed in rapidfire bursts now. “There’s also the fact that you have the only person I care about now down under your fucking foot like you fucking own him, and I won’t get to see him again until I pass your sick fucking test. So if you have a good idea about how MOMMY can make it better, I’m all fucking ears, you stupid little bitch.”

Nadia wasn’t usually one for frequent cursing, certainly not when she was still a normal-sized artist without a care in the world, but she was now quivering with so much pent-up frustration and yearning to punish Sarah for the girl’s egregious misdeeds, it was hard not for her words to become poisonous.

Still, throughout the rant, that teenage finger never ceased its strumming rhythm. Rocking between the three-inch-woman’s thighs, stroking from navel to butt cheek, nuzzling and prodding at the exposed nethers. The rage in Nadia’s voice was unable to transcend their language barrier.

“Hmmm… yes, yes, that’s very interesting, Queenie,” Sarah spoke with a belittling mumble, nodding her head all the while, but clearly having grasped none of Nadia’s fury. “You want Mommy to be sloooower while she touches you, huh? Maybe more like this?”

The rough massage softened into something more sufferable. Sarah’s finger no longer intruded with the same force, flattening her subject into her palm, but instead merely grazed along Nadia’s sensitive skin with each pass of the curved digit. Though not at all titillating, it was now possible to relax.

Even now, the little woman still couldn’t bring herself to be aroused. The entire wide world around her, and knowledge of her depressing life situation, made it impossible. Here she was, surrounded by all the cotton-candy-pink hue of Sarah’s girly-girl cave. The owner of this flowery palace was currently seated on the edge of her mountainous bed, expecting to magically produce an orgasm out of an enslaved little naked woman’s body with just a few painful tickles, while down below, that same little woman’s beloved was gasping for life as he was continually mushed and molded into the giantess’s youthful, sweat-greased sole.

Even closing her eyes and fantasizing about Matt or anyone else entering her under normal circumstances couldn’t fool Nadia’s senses or pride. No matter how much she wanted it to end, she couldn’t bring her consciousness to work along with Sarah’s finger.

And, of course, actually sliding her own hand down to her crotch to finish the job was out of the question, too. If Sarah got the idea that Nadia was actually receptive to this service, she might never let her go again. It could just lead to infinite failed masturbation sessions, with the hopeful blonde airhead rubbing Nadia’s clit until her shrunken body turned so raw that she couldn’t feel a thing ever again.

After considerable time had passed, however, and Sarah obviously wasn’t giving up, the sheer focused friction of the sexual contact generated some miniscule liquid discharge from Nadia. This progress obviously encouraged the giant teen, just when the little woman was starting to hope she’d get bored and let her go. A fire alit in Sarah’s eyes, and she rubbed more vigorously than ever. Though it took a minor miracle of sensory deprivation and concentration, Nadia forced herself to imagine a tempting carnal embrace with Matt, and by strokes of muscle memory and being worn down at last by Sarah’s massaging onslaught, the shrunken pet convulsed, and climax was reached.

The teen gushed with joy, unable to make a sound at first. Her clammy hand quivered under Nadia’s exhausted, naked little body. Pride suffused from her adorable countenance.

“See! I toldyou that you could do it, Queenie! You know, maybe this is your first time, getting to play with your special area? I didn’t even think about that. You’re so beautiful and special and sweet, I just thought you knew all about it. But maybe Mommy surprised you, huh?” Sarah rambled. Despite bringing Nadia to climax, the girl’s finger still played on the area. “You don’t have to worry about anything, though. Once she comes back, I’ll tell Amy how she needs to start helping you feel good more often. She’ll still give you lots of fun foot-time, but you’ve also gotta learn that you’re missing out on the moooooost fun thing there is. Even if it’s private and secret between you and me and Amy. After a while, you’ll like it just as much as Boogie likes it!”

Though glad to be through with the ordeal for now, Nadia tried not to think of the heartbreaking implications in the fact that Sarah was, apparently, jacking her miniature doll-man boyfriend off on a regular basis, miles away from Nadia’s reach or aid.

But at least the worst was over, and there would be a rest of sorts, and near to Matt.

“Here you go, Queenie, just like I promised: you can hug and kiss Mommy’s feet for a while, and nobody will bother you, cuz Boogie’s already under the other one!” Sarah explained, crushing Nadia’s thin hopes in one fell swoop. She wasn’t joining Matt after all, even though they’d be separated by only a few inches and a wall of slipper fabric.

The cheerful girl pried her sole out of the unoccupied shoe, lovingly laid her second shrunken pet down on the spongy insole, and sealed the crestfallen woman inside the sweaty, squishy darkness with one drop of her creamy arch.


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