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“HELP! HELP ME! LET ME OUT!” Jake screeched, before being muffled again when his mouth and lungs filled with the giantess’s gushing spit. For a second, Julie saw a glimmer of resolve in his face as he attempted futilely to resist by gripping the rubbery texture of her tongue like a barnacle, yet his still-standing erection showed the conflict within him. He still was magnetized toward her, even in these final minutes of consciousness, when he knew he’d soon be dissolved and integrated into her body as lunch.

Julie had to fan herself as she watched Jake slipping into her esophagus. The experience was so hot, she was almost delirious, but the blonde forced herself to remain diligent so she could collect every sensation for her memory banks, even as her loins fitfully stirred. Only when she’d seen Jake to his ultimate destination could she pause to savor the buildup of life-long sexually charged yearning coming to fruition. Her trembling hand hovered over her thighs.

Inside the ribbed tunnel of Julie’s esophagus, Jake found himself tightly confined. Though he was so very small, enough such that he wasn’t actually squeezed by the pumping of the slimy walls, he still felt the claustrophobia of the narrow path leading down the girl’s neck. As he descended, the young man encountered flecks of partially melted gummy bear, now the same size or even larger than his whole body, jammed on the sides of the esophagus. He meekly attempted to grab onto these for safety, if only to prevent himself being gulped yet deeper toward the stomach. Yet he wasn’t strong enough to combat the pull of the tunnel, and soon Julie’s body continued pushing him toward doom, no matter his resistance.

“N-No… no, God… Julie, please hear me. L-Listen to me…” he wept, all while fighting to grab any passing particles of masticated breakfast. “You can still stop this. I’m… still here. You can save me. J-Just, don’t… don’t do this. Don’t eat me, please! JULIE, I’M BEGGING YOU!”

For Julie, these sighs and sounds only enhanced the experience, as she realized how puny those tidbits of candy were, yet here was her former lab partner clinging to them like multicolored boulders, pointlessly slowing his fall. Even better, his cries for mercy were simultaneously making her heart ache and reaffirming her desire to swallow a living, breathing, shrunken human like any common morsel of food. If he wasn’t bellowing for help, it wouldn’t be nearly as good. She swallowed several more times for good measure, which pumped fresh saliva down her throat to wash away any lingering leftovers, gummies and Jake included. With one hand, she tentatively began petting her womanhood under her panties, yet with her opposite palm, she caressed and traced the little man’s journey, along her neck and past her chest.

Her heartbeat quickened. She could almost feel his precise location in her tract, due to the scanning room’s tracking technology allowing her to know with certainty where he was at every second. Jake looked sleepier now, as the lack of clean oxygen and other sensory deprivation was flirting with his consciousness, tossing and turning him like a cork, but still he fought to stay awake, which made Julie glad. She hoped he’d still be lucid once he reached her stomach, so he could know exactly what was happening just as she did.

In less than a minute, even Jake’s valiant attempts to delay his fate were squelched, as he passed through the esophagus at last and was dumped straight toward the portal of her stomach. He flailed, screeching and begging with renewed vigor for mercy, when he reached the last stage of his trip. Even so, the shrunken speck’s windmilling hands couldn’t hang onto the gooey rim of the last stretch of esophagus, and he fell just like any other swallowed chunk of Julie’s diet before plunking into the stew of her stomach’s contents.

Though the darkness and anonymous geometry of her gigantic belly still haunted Jake, Julie herself could see every detail because of the scanning equipment. She saw the hunks of pre-chewed food littering her stomach in piles like a junkyard, saw the various fluids leeching from the walls and turning everything slowly into mush, but most importantly, she saw andheard Jake’s naked, helpless self still kicking and crying as he floated in the damnable muck of her gut. At this point, Julie had to restrain from fingering herself to an immediate climax, but she withheld. This wasn’t over just yet, and she needed a clear head to burn the final image into her mind. Her other hand traveled over her breasts and abdomen, reaching her stomach, which she began to rub in loving circles, just as she had earlier, only now with Jake trapped wonderfully within.

“That’s it, Jake,” Julie breathed, even though she knew he wouldn’t hear. “Give in to me. Become part. It’s all right. You’ll be safe inside with me. Just… relax now. Don’t fight any more. Everything will feel perfectly fine soon, if you just… stop… and become part of me.”

In the bowels of Julie’s roiling stomach, Jake was marooned in bitter waters. Already the digestive enzymes were hard at work breaking him down, and he could feel it tingling over his skin, but the young scientist couldn’t give up yet. He refused. Instead, he continued thrashing and paddling in every direction, only to meet another submerged cluster of half-digested foodstuffs impossible to climb. The harder he fought, the weaker he became, until he had just enough energy to stay awake and breathe, while his head stayed just above the surface of the belly sludge. The rest of his one-ten-thousandth body was dunked in the acidic bath, and left to dissolve. Occasionally his lips moved to offer up another desperate prayer to his hungry goddess, even in a death throe fugue state.

Julie watched all this with single-minded focus. Her palm contentedly grazed circles over her sated belly whilst her opposite hand continually fished through her panties to temper the sexual maelstrom, but the girl was exclusively devoted to watching Jake’s undoing. She dared not blink as she watched his final moments, while he surrendered at last to the truth that he’d never escape her belly again. By and by, his melting body was lost to the churning lake of her stomach, dissolved into nothing along with the rest of her digesting food. Those liquid remains would, she knew, at last be absorbed into her innards and used to fuel her mighty body. Finally his face followed his body in dissolution, until there was no physical proof left of Jake’s presence in her digestive system, though Julie had seen and heard all she needed. She knew now that he was and forever would be a part of her, and that was more than enough for her. Quivering, gasping, and crying from joy all at once, Julie climaxed in tandem with the circling of her hand above her holy stomach.

“Thank you, Jake,” she uttered, licking her lips. “Thank you so much. For everything.”

Julie remained in the scanning room for what felt like an hour, constantly reviewing the sensations, sights, and sounds of this orgasmic experience, so that she would remember them for all time. Eventually, she gathered her bearings and stood up again, feeling very different than when she sat down with the doubly shrunken sacrifice on her fingertip. In ritualistic fashion, Julie gathered the recordings of her experience, safely taking a physical copy of Jake’s demise for her to watch again later, while she deleted the records from the system. Next she moved around the lab, wiping up all evidence of Jake from the surfaces and beakers, including his micro clothes, which she put into her purse as a memento of this perfect day.

Satisfied that she’d never be discovered, Julie allowed herself a moment of reflection over the lab. Her hand stroked over her stomach again, confident that even though the molecules of Jake’s dissolved body were now being distributed wherever needed to fuel the girl’s own, he was still just behind the wall of her belly, granting her the most precious gift she’d ever received or would ever receive. Julie spied one last lingering thread of her fantasy. She gleefully picked up the shrinking device, tucked it into her purse beside Jake’s diminutive clothes, and strolled out of the lab, certain that it would come in handy again soon, whenever she was hungry for something more than food. As if in answer, her stomach pleasantly gurgled: the swan song of her little meal, now entering a new and far more valuable partnership than ever before.




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