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“This is insane!” he cried. “You can’t just eat a person because you want to! What about… my work, my research, my LIFE! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

“It does mean something to me. I’ll always be grateful for your brilliant mind giving me the chance to do this,” Julie said. “Thank you, Jake, from the bottom of my heart. Believe me, I’ll never forget you once you’re gone. And… seeing how this is a new idea for you, it seems only fair that I help ease you into it. I’m not just going to swallow you right this second, if that’s what you’re worried about, although I WANT to eat you now so badly. No, first, I’m going to help get you ready, in whatever ways I can. I think you’ll have… fun with it, and maybe by the end, you’ll agree with me that this is the right thing to do. You’ll want me to swallow you, which would make this even better for me!”

Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Not only was his lab partner and friend about to end his life by gulping him down for sustenance, but she had the gall to ask that he enjoy it, too! It was like being in a surreal nightmare, only one he couldn’t wake up from. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t.

“First things first,” Julie said, when Jake didn’t reply again. She winked, and lapped her tongue at the corner of her lip. “Let’s get you more comfortable. Because, be honest, these lab coats aren’t the most comfortable things to wear. In fact, like I told you earlier… I always find the most comfortable “thing” to wear is… nothing! Let me show you.”

Bewildered, Jake found himself abruptly pinned down to the cushy platform of Julie’s hand by her beefy thumb. Wriggling was useless. He was so drastically outmatched by this single finger, that fighting for even a second left him out of breath. Once he was spread-eagle against Julie’s palm, Jake watched her opposite hand descending near him, with her manicured index finger and thumb primed for plucking.

“Julie, please… don’t do this!” he cried.

“Don’t move too much, little guy. I don’t want to hurt you, after all. I’ll be as soft with you as I can, but you have to be still. You’re so small and fragile, just like I made you to be.”

Then, gently as though de-winging a dragonfly, Julie began to disrobe her subject. She pulled his lab coat cleanly off, flicking it onto the tabletop far below, then returned for his other clothes. Jake’s shirt was ripped away, and his pants were yanked next, no matter how hard he tried to fight the pull of the giantess’s digits. He grunted and squealed with effort to maintain his dignity and outfit, but it was useless. Julie stole his clothes, leaving Jake only in his underwear, and she clearly intended to take these as well.

The ovular pad of her thumb retracted, no longer pinning Jake to Julie’s palm, so she could access his waist. Despite all his worming around, the shrunken man understood the risk of resisting when Julie’s fingernails were poised so close to his crotch. So, feeling violated and afraid, the little man remained still for her.

“Thank you, Jake! That’s perfect. Just keep holding like that while I take your cute little underwear off, and then we can move on to the next fun part.” True to her word, Julie managed to slide her fingernail just under Jake’s miniature boxer waistband, then pinch the garment between her fingertips and floss it off his legs. With these removed, Jake was suddenly sprawling nude, helpless, and ¾ inches tall in the hand of a very powerful girl who meant to eat him. It was almost too much to bear.

“Aw, you’re shaking. Are you cold? You won’t be for long, I promise. It’s very warm inside my mouth. And don’t be so worried, Jake. Your body’s cute. I know you don’t really have time to workout much because of all the time you spend in this lab, but I think you’re so precious just the way you are. The way you look is part of what made me want to eat you, specifically. Plus, you won’t be alone like this for long, all naked and vulnerable. I want to get more comfortable, too,” Julie cooed.

She tipped her hand at the level of the table, then affectionately placed the shrunken man on its surface, careful to put him down between several tall stacks of notebooks and humming machinery, to keep Jake from running away. The only way out was the edge of the table, where Julie herself was seated, and it was clear to Jake that if he tried fleeing over the precipice, she would only catch her soon-to-be-snack and plant him right back on the table. Still, he was convinced he had to try and jump.

That possibility was nipped, though, when Julie placed a large glass beaker right on top of her shrunken victim, preventing him from going anywhere, but allowing him a full view of the outside world. From within, Jake’s perspective was warped mirror-funhouse style, and Julie looked even bigger, if such a thing was possible.

The giantess withdrew from the lab table to the middle of the room, far enough that Jake could see her whole colossal form in all its glory. He noticed her hips beginning to sway in a sultry rhythm. Yet again she winked at him, then set about undoing the buttons of her lab coat. The scene played out just like his previous fantasy, only it was real, and he was smaller than a thumbnail, awaiting execution by dining. There weren’t as many buttons to open, since Julie was already previewing the supple valley of her bosom, but once the lab coat was tossed aside, it was clear she wasn’t through. Her black shoes were kicked off, leaving her barefoot on the tile. Next Julie worked on unfastening her skirt, letting it flutter around her shapely legs and land around her ankles. By this time, the girl was fully engaged in a strip tease dance, shimmying her pert derriere and puffing up her chest. All she was missing was the swanky music. Julie pulled her colorful blouse up over her head, swung it like a lasso, then stopped to pose in her black silk underwear, and let her gigantic body be admired by her prisoner.

And indeed, though Jake was furious and terrified of his lab partner’s sick secret desires, he couldn’t ignore the beauty of the sight before him. Julie waltzed in circles, showing off her enviable figure, pouting her lips and propping up her breasts with both hands. She laughed upon noting the look of drunken yearning in his tiny face as she smoothly cat-walked back toward the table and scooped up the beaker. For a second, Jake had a window to sprint away, but he was too transfixed by the glory of the eighteen-year-old bombshell’s model-esque body. In that moment, her hand closed back around him, and Jake was carried just over the tight gulch of her tempting cleavage, all while her eyes glowed with dire hunger.

“Do you like what you see, Jake?” Julie sultrily taunted. She dangled his little body back and forth above the twin globes of her tits, relishing his frightened little reactions. Every few seconds, she’d lower him nearer to the fleshy valley, but refrained from touching his shrunken self to her exposed bust. “I know you must. I’ve seen you sneaking peeks at me whenever you think I’m not looking. See, I know you put on this big act like all you care about is science and inventing, but nobody is completely a robot. And… well, maybe this is self-centered of me, but I’m not just some dog. In fact, I’m a little out of your league. It’s okay. Almost everyone who looks at me wants me after a while. You must be thinking certain things when you look at me. And there must be some part of you that wants to have some fun… real fun. Well, now’s your chance. And I should say, it’s probably your last chance, since I’m going to eat you, Jake, so why not let loose and enjoy it? Here, let me help you.”

Before Jake could even open his mouth to protest, Julie’s hand plunged, and he along with it. Her fingers pointed straight for the divot between her blossoming boobs, then gently swiped the front of Jake’s miniature body along it. This contact caused her left breast to jiggle slightly, though for the young man himself, the act was much more dramatic. Tempting, feminine, perfume-scented skin nuzzled ticklishly over half his nude shape, with particular attention on his junk.

Then just as quickly, Julie dipped Jake again, this time massaging him lower into her lush cleavage. Both of her breasts yielded softly as bread dough to the pressure from her determined fingers and Jake’s wriggling body. His mumbles and squeals of surprise were drowned out by the massive volume of bra-encased mammary on either side. She took her time on this occasion, caressing the shrunken man for a longer period, gliding him across the dual hills of her breasts, then guiding him back to the especially tender valley between, where she sweetly pinched and bumped him on every delectable surface of smooth skin. The girl ensured to ply firm yet cushy pressure over the middle of Jake’s body, twisting and dabbing his crotch along the curvature of her breasts. Julie’s flesh prickled with goose bumps, as she enjoyed the process more and more of introducing her forthcoming meal to the beauty he would soon serve via nutrient conversion.


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