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Matt slumped against the inner wall of Sarah’s empty slipper where it sat on the shelf. The ghostly scent of feminine sweat steamed up from the stale foamy insole, but he didn’t care. Like most days, Matt was too depressed; he hadn’t seen Nadia in over two months, and he was incredibly hungry and thirsty yet hadn’t been fed by his owner since yesterday morning. And to top it off, today was the one-year anniversary since his mysterious shrinkage and capture by the ditzy blonde goddess. Counting down was about all he could do when most of those 365 days were spent under Sarah’s soft, sweaty soles or being French-kissed by her greedy lips.

The bedroom door opened, and the carefree eighteen-year-old skipped into her bedroom, dressed all in bubble-gum pink clothing, including a sleeveless top and short-shorts, which almost matched the color of her glitzy room. She bounded in with balletic speed upon the balls of her feet and tips of her toes. Behind her, Bobby followed, wearing a scrimmage jersey for their school’s football team. Matt was only up to date on this type of information because Sarah often dreamily explained it to him, plus every detail of her budding relationship with the boy, while using Matt’s head as a practice tool for Bobby’s tongue.

“Sooooo…” Sarah drawled, giggling with delight before she even got the words out. “My mom and dad are gonna be gone until after dinner. You know what that means?”

“All alone,” Bobby said. The young couple embraced, sat on the edge of the bed, and began messily open-mouth kissing one another immediately. Matt peeked over the rubbery edge of his shoe prison. He didn’t really feel like watching, but he was eager for Bobby to leave, so Sarah might remember to give him a drink of water.

As the teenage pair slapped their tongues awkwardly together in their best attempt at intimacy, they inexpertly tried groping one another’s legs, but seemed incapable. The sight reminded Matt of his early contact with Nadia, the nervousness of young love, before they found themselves. It only made him yearn for her more.

When they took a break from kissing, Sarah and Bobby grinned at one another, wiping their mouths. The girl daintily let her bare feet dangle over the edge of the bed, then casually brought the closest one up onto the surface. She set her naked heel right in Bobby’s lap, and grasped at his shirt between her dexterous toes, even pressing her broad sole against his stomach.

“Rub ‘em for me?” she wheedled sweetly. “Pretty please?”

Bobby rolled his eyes, then shrugged, and took hold of the girl’s foot. By his expression, it was clear he’d been asked to do this multiple times before. He started rubbing.

“Mmm… that feels sooooo good,” Sarah moaned. She leaned back on the bed, getting comfortable, while her eager foot remained in Bobby’s grip. The boy busied himself tweaking her bell-end toes and running his thumbs in circles on her meaty sole. Soon after, the other foot joined its partner, and suddenly Sarah’s boyfriend had both of her happily flexing and scrunching feet piled on his thighs.

Matt gritted his teeth from afar. After so many days of being beaten and manhandled by those overzealous feet, he was envious of Bobby’s ability to simply pick Sarah’s peds up or shove them away. At this point, if it meant returning to his former size, Matt would’ve gladly agreed to massage Sarah’s tired feet, day in and out, for as long as she wanted. Anything to escape this.

“Um… good!” Bobby said, trying to sound good-natured to his girlfriend, but it was obvious to Matt from the young man’s tone that he wasn’t exactly loving the act. Especially since it was the afternoon, and Sarah had been bounding around for most of the day, gathering grime and grit into her sole wrinkles and toe crevices. Not to mention a slow build-up of springtime perspiration. It was likely that a flowery yet musky scent was now wafting up from her ripe pink feet.

The longer Bobby massaged, the higher up Sarah pressed her feet on his torso. While they started in the boy’s lap, after a while his girlfriend’s peds had climbed up toward his chest, hovering a matter of inches under his chin. Her toes curled around the neckline of his jersey. By the grimace on Bobby’s face, it was clear to Matt that the smell and general oddness of Sarah’s behavior was starting to get to him. Of course, the girl who was so good at controlling both men in the room was oblivious to his mild torment.

“Hey,” Sarah snickered, like she had a secret. “Guess what, Bobby?”


“I got your nose!” With precision, the girl lifted her foot up the extra few inches; her big and second toes separated apart, and she inserted her boyfriend’s nose right between the rubbery digits, pinching them closed the next instant.

“Hey… um, Sarah?” Bobby mumbled, then coughed quietly, obviously affected by her wriggling digits clamped around his nostrils. “Can you stop?”

Sarah shrugged, then released the grip of her pudgy toes on her boyfriend’s nose. With the back of her hand, she gave her golden locks a flighty toss. “Sure, Bobby. I was just playing. What, you don’t like my feet?”

“No, it’s… fine. I just didn’t really want them on my face.”
 “You don’t think Mommy’s feet are pretty?”

“I… wait, what?”

“Nothing! I was just kidding.” With that, Sarah lowered her feet politely back into Bobby’s lap. “Sooooo… you wanna keep rubbing?”

The boy obediently continued caressing his girlfriend’s worming toes and warm soles, but his heart wasn’t in it. Bobby minced silently, clearly uncomfortable with the M-word dropped into conversation. Worse, he probably had heard it before from Sarah, and now regretted letting her get away with it.

Matt couldn’t help but smirk with wry amusement. It seemed it wasn’t just him who was subject to Sarah’s overbearing tendencies. The girl just couldn’t help but blissfully dominate anyone she came across, whether they were taller than her, or small enough that she could wedge them under her sweaty toes every day. Sure, at least Bobby had a choice to leave, which Matt was jealous of, but the boy didn’t seem strong enough to break away. The combination of Sarah’s air-headed innocence and well-intentioned affection probably made it easier to forgive her, despite her selfish whims.

“Hey, um… you wanna make out again?” Bobby asked hopefully. His hands were still full of Sarah’s insistent soles.

“Mmmmm… maybe in a little while! Mommy’s gotta get relaxed first.”

“Why do you keep calling yourself that?”


“You know,” Bobby muttered sheepishly. “Calling yourself Mommy.”

“Oh! I don’t know. It’s just what I do,” the teen said nonchalantly. “You know, like when I think somebody’s just sooooo cute, that I wanna take care of them, and play around with them, and show them how to do things. That’s like a Mommy.”

“Uh-huh.” Bobby ceased massaging at last. His eyes darted to the door. “Hey, um, I should probably go to practice now. The coach wants us there early.”

Already? But you just got here!” Sarah whined. As if to keep him there, the girl’s toes all parted and gripped their way into the fibers of his shirt, hanging on. “Please? Stay longer? We can make out again, if you want.”

“All right,” Bobby said, perking up.

No sooner had he answered, though, when Sarah lifted her foot back up from his lap. The girl beheld her peachy, silky, heat-swollen bare sole directly in front of her boyfriend’s face. Her toes waggled.

“Well?” she giggled. She studied his expression with intense entertainment, as he contemplated the fact that she wanted him to kiss her foot. “You wanna make out, or what?”

“…actually, I should probably just go now. I don’t want to be late,” Bobby said, blushing red with embarrassment and confusion over his treatment. He slid out from around Sarah’s outstretched legs, and shuffled toward the door.

“Awwww, Bobby! Mommy was just joking!” Sarah called after him. She watched the boy march out of her bedroom. “Text me, okay?”

Matt, too, watched Bobby go, and longed to have the same kind of freedom. All it took for Bobby to escape was simply dodging out from under Sarah’s feet, and walking away. But for Matt, this was an impossibility. He was too small to run away, too short to reach the doorknobs, and too weak to ever shove the monumental velvet-bare soles of his girly-girl keeper off his frail body.

Now left alone, the teen shrugged, and crawled back to the edge of the bed. She hoisted her legs off the ground, and kicked her legs gracefully about in air, obviously unaffected by the strangeness of her relationship with Bobby, and in fact seemingly satisfied after she’d gotten a brief make-out and a generous foot-rub out of the deal. Then, as if suddenly remembering she had a miniature life contained in her slipper, she sprinted to the wall and peeked inside. The usual smirk crossed her lips, and she blew a kiss into the shoe’s opening. 

“Hiiiiii, Boogie!” the girl sang as she took the slipper down from the shelf. She beamed with pure joy upon her toy man, batting her eyelashes, obviously still savoring the afterglow of time alone with her boyfriend. “How’re ya doin’ in here? Did you feel jealous, seeing Bobby getting to play with my feet? You don’t have to worry. Mommy’s toes still like you best.”

Matt knew if she began a foot-game, it would likely carry on for hours. Desperate for water, he started animatedly panting like a dog. This, ironically, was the only form of communication with Sarah that Matt had successfully managed all year: if he panted like a thirsty puppy, Sarah usually understood.

“What’s that, Boogie? You want Mommy to make your peeper feel good?”

He shuddered, but continued miming.

“Oh! You’re thirsty, huh?” she cooed, changing her tune.

Matt sighed with relief.

“Well, I guess I could go fill up a cup with water from the sink, if that’s what you want? But, I’ve been doing some thinking, and I looked stuff up online, too. Did you know, Boogie, that there’s actually important nutrients in a person’s drool that can help keep you strong?”

The shrunken man winced. He was pretty sure that was entirely false. He was also terrified of what her smile might mean. Was Sarah actually suggesting what he thought?

“So why don’t we try it? Cuz I bet your Mommy’s spit has got just the right things to keep her adorable little Boogie nice and happy,” Sarah explained. “Isn’t that right?”


“Awww… you agree with me!” Sarah plucked her pet out of the slipper, and held him in a cupped palm. “Okay, watch out, Boogie. Mommy’s got a yummy drink for you.”

Matt sincerely doubted that. Nevertheless, he was disgusted to watch as those same lips which so often were wrapped around his face for a loving kiss instead puckered wide open, making room for a ballooning spit bubble. The slimy substance congealed into a string of saliva, which dripped all the way down into her palm. Backing away onto the girl’s fingers, Matt witnessed the bowl-shape of Sarah’s hand filling with a small, sticky puddle of her drool.

He was revolted. She actually expected him to drink that, when she could oh-so-easily run down the hall and come back with a cup of actual water? Unfortunately, the poor man was stingingly parched, and even looking at the nearby liquid source, his own mouth was watering with thirst. Heck, maybe there were nutrients, and he just didn’t know?

“That’s Mommy’s good boy. Yes, it is!” Sarah encouraged as Matt crouched over the miniature pool of sputum and started scooping gulps of it to his mouth. “Drink up, Boogie. I can give you more if you want.”

Matt writhed with humiliation as he slurped up the teen’s gummy spit. It took some effort to swallow the mint-gum flavored drool, as it was thick like watery oatmeal, but he managed. Once he’d eaten up most of the supply, Sarah was only too happy to spit down another dollop, some of which splattered onto her Boogie’s head.

But still he drunk it. After all, he’d already fallen this far. If this was how to survive, who was he to be picky?


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