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“Wait, what are you… right now?” the major gulped. Before he could protest, Delilah’s pillar-like forefinger descended toward him with the speed of a missile. When the giantess’s white-clothed fingertip aggressively impacted the major, however, she slowed enough to avoid propelling him violently across the bar, and instead ever-so-gently prodded him onto his back. To the major, it felt like a frightfully effective wrestling takedown. Faster than he could even realize, his giant subordinate’s finger was lithely compressed on his prone body, practically burying him beneath the warm cloth and the implied brunt of her flesh-and-muscle inside.

Shocked, the major lay spread-eagle, absolutely unable to budge himself even an inch under the measured yet firmly authoritative pin of Delilah’s finger. He felt no pain at all, save for the limitation of his breathing. Nevertheless, he was taken aback like never before. The little man had seen Delilah in action hundreds of times, of course, but it was still startling to experience it firsthand, and especially while the colossal officer was using such a minute fraction of her earth-shaking potential power.

“I’ve seen the cadets practicing this move out on the lawns. I assume you had to learn it too, major?” Delilah coyly questioned. While continuing to hold him down, she reached for her glass and took a languid sip. “The trick is to act and react to one another’s offenses and defenses, right? So, how am I doing so far?”

The man grunted, overcome now by her toying clout and teasing attitude. It was entirely inappropriate for his subordinate to do this, yet the major was so affected by this nonchalantly domineering side of Delilah, he was too meek to reprimand her. Instead, after another minute of helplessly worming against her digit, unable to move it nor pull himself out, he mustered a few words.

“Here… isn’t… the best place,” he wheezed.

“Oh, I apologize, sir. I understand it’s better to practice while you’re standing on grass or a mat, for safety. Here, I’ll adjust the force of my maneuver. That way, you can better demonstrate for me now how to escape a pin from the ground,” Delilah reasoned intelligently, though the whimsy in her voice suggested she was seriously enjoying this spectacle. She rested her chin upon the opposite upturned glove. Then, true to her word, she relented the strength of her mighty finger by half, all while looking down at her superior with an increasingly goofy smile on her plush lips. “I’m ready when you are, sir!”

The major took advantage of the reduced pressure from her finger to refill his lungs and fight back with renewed vigor. Though he could’ve order Delilah to stop this, it made him feel so pathetic to consider that option, rather than the chance to prove himself in some puny amount. He called up every trick he knew: using use gravity to his advantage, a quick burst of adrenaline, and attempting to wrangle his limbs around the bulkhead of that fingertip.

Nothing worked at all. Even with Delilah barely trying now.

“Oh, major,” she sighed, fighting back more laughter at his struggles, though some of it still musically spilled. “It really wasn’t necessary of you to let me win like this. But I appreciate the confidence boost!”

At last, Delilah peeled her clothen fingertip off the major, but did so gradually and with a hint of reluctance. The humongous officer was used to being the most powerful person on earth, let alone in the room, but she usually kept a modest attitude, even while it became commonplace for her to dispatch hundreds of enemy militants at once. Tonight, however, at the height of her powers, bubbly from drink, while single-fingeredly restraining a superior officer using less effort than it took to scratch her nose, the now-drunken giantess realized just how good it made her feel to exercise her size-imbued will. In fact, it was far more intoxicating even than the impressive gallonage of fruity alcohol she’d imbibed.

Dusting himself off, the miniature man avoided Delilah’s spotlight-like gaze for a moment, too embarrassed and befuddled to come up with a response. While his uniform marks still stated he ranked higher than her, in many other ways he’d been knocked down a peg or two, likely without the giantess even fully realizing it. He was deeply humbled.

“Well, that’s one part of training I can say I’ve done now! But there’s other parts, right, sir?” Delilah added, just when she noticed the major turning on his heels to scurry away. Her vocabulary had dipped, though she made up for the deficit with volume and energy, punctuating it with more drinks.


“Of course! Major, I’ve seen those obstacle courses, where the cadets have to run around like there’s a flood and a volcano blowing up and… stuff! It looks so much fun… I mean, useful… but I don’t know how I’d make it, because I haven’t had the, um, training.” 

“I’m confident you could handle any natural disaster,” the major coughed.

“Maybe, but how do I know if I haven’t practiced!” Delilah cried. She stood shakily from her stool while hanging onto the bar’s edge, abruptly topping off her already-considerable height in the process. When she leaned back across the surface, propped up by both arms, Delilah was sufficiently elevated that the major actually had to bend his spine back just to see her face hovering on high. He could only wonder at the near-infinite difference in stature and strength between them. However, the major soon had something far more pressing to wonder about instead, when Delilah hunched low over the bar, causing her perky hanging cleavage to loom near, like a pair of twin asteroids about to smash into the planet. 

“Watch out, sir! There’s an avalanche coming!” Delilah taunted, now more openly reveling in her dominance of the miniscule creature. Though she was mostly able to control the speed of her descent, thanks to both hands bracing the bar’s edge, there was a palpable sense of unbridled verve in the girl’s wild movement. Gale winds generated just from the thrust of Delilah’s body, but particularly her chest, bouncing along through the air by centrifugal force.

Knowing Delilah wouldn’t intentionally hurt him, but also thoroughly intimidated by the terrifying sight of those hulking purple-silk-swaddled breasts careening forth, the major darted away. He was nearly swept up by the rushing wind, and was haunted by the continual enlargement of Delilah’s omnipresent shadow as she approached. Stumbling, he took a leap and tripped over his own legs, just as the girl happily plopped her breasts down on the counter.


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