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 Matt’s emotions matched the frigid winter temperatures outdoors, even though most of his infinite days were actually spent down in the sweltering, soggy shoes of a giant teenage girl. He’d been in Sarah’s clutches for nine months now, punctuated early on with the devastating heartbreak of knowing that Nadia was in the same predicament, then the equal devastation of watching his girlfriend given away like a birthday gift to an enormous raunchy-footed athlete Amy. And he was powerless to affect any of it.

Only when summer gave way to cool autumn and eventually the freezing snow did the young man realize he had taken the hotter months for granted. Sure, Sarah’s sweaty feet leaked salty perspiration faster in higher temperatures, but she also chose to wear sandals, flip-flops, and thin ballet flats then. The occasional whiff of refreshing oxygen could reach him while he was being trod upon by the air-headed blonde giantess.

Now, though, there was only hellish submersion in the fluffy darkness of Sarah’s winter gear of choice: her favorite chocolate-brown Ugg boots. And down there, it might as well have been summer all over again. There was no stray breeze nor crack of light which could reach him in those depths.

Every morning before school now, he was helplessly deposited into the tunnel by the cheesily-grinning Sarah; then, her naked foot reared its way in, bungling Matt along the plush walls with her gregarious toes, and that was his last trace of air or sight for eight hours. Every minute of that time was spent uncomfortably embracing the slimy, bitter, meaty toes of his eighteen-year-old owner as the Ugg interior turned saturated.

And the sad part was, that wasn’t even the worst part of his life now.

“Come on out, Boogie! Mommy missed you while she was walking all over you at school today. Now, where are you hiding from me?”

Light shone into the Ugg once Sarah’s foot was pried out. Her fingers hunted for Matt in the mushy darkness, and today he willingly walked toward her palm to be collected: it was less painful than being snatched by the ankle and dangled upside-down out of the tunnel. Those fingers coiled possessively around.

“Gotcha! Guess you didn’t wanna play hide n’ seek in my boot today, huh? You just wanna come right out and see your Mommy again? Aww. I don’t blame you! It’s pretty cold out there, you know. And it’s my job to keep you nice and warm.”

As she did every single day without fail, Sarah smiled with hungry admiration at the three-inch man coddled in her palms. Her cheeks were still rosy-raw from being out in the cold, but she was unabashed as she was irritatingly adorable, considering all the torment she enacted. That loving smirk made Matt ill.

Per her new daily routine, Sarah took out a moist wipe. She toweled Matt off, scouring away a fraction of the grime and stink which infected him from hours wrestling her mealy toes. The man sat limp in her grip, letting her turn him over and under. Like with everything, there was no point in fighting.

“All clean again!” Sarah declared. This wasn’t quite true, as Matt still only inhaled the dirty funk of feminine BO emanating off his body. However, his owner never seemed to mind.

“No, I’m not,” he said grimly.

“Meep-meep to you too!” Sarah cooed. “Oh, gosh, Boogie. I just missed you so much while you were down there today.”

After having been the pet of this girl for so long, Matt could now accurately detect when her voice was so rich with adoration for him that she wouldn’t resist a kiss. Today, he was right again. Her tone was a warning bell for the smooch storm.

Sarah’s glossy lips inflated to a pucker. In her usual fashion, the teen had Matt’s tiny arms and legs pinched against her wide palm, giving him nowhere to go but her mouth. Her pink flesh pitter-pattered with pre-emptive practice smacks before she enveloped her toy’s head in her lips. Her throat rumbled and purred as the girl kept Matt squished against her lips for two sustained minutes. The sticky tip of her tongue even slipped out a couple times to lick. As the months passed, her kisses had become more like free taste samples of Matt’s body than just simple hello pecks. Which only made the “Mommy” motif even more sickeningly awkward.
 “Mmmwwah!” Sarah enunciated as the kiss ended. She wiped away the usual string of saliva which dangled from Matt’s face, then drank in the sight of him with her deep brown eyes. “You give the best kisses, Boogie. They’re little, like you are, but I can feel them, and you, kissing me back whenever Mommy shows you how much she looooves you!”

Matt guessed this idea, like everything Sarah decided about him, was just wild delusion. The very concept that he could ever choose to kiss her back made him shiver, and long for Nadia’s touch all over again. But then it hurt too much, also, to imagine where his girlfriend was now. Because she was, in all likelihood, squashed under the muscular soles of Amy.

“Wanna know what else I’m gonna do to show you how much Mommy loves you?” Sarah questioned; her volume dropped to a gleeful whisper, like she had a secret she was on the verge of revealing. Even though Matt already knew the secret. “You know what time it is, don’t you, Boogie? You know what I’m gonna do to you. Oh, yes you do.”

Of course he knew what time it was.

It was the worst part of his day.

A creature of habit, Sarah set about peeling away Matt’s clothes. The girl hummed happily as she tugged off his shirt, then his pants, and finally underwear, leaving him naked in her palm. He might have actually been grateful for the chance to get out of the itchy hand-stitched doll items she had him in, if it wasn’t for the final purpose of the act.

“There you go. That probably feels good, after you were down in my shoes all day long, right, Boogie? Why don’t you relax now. Let your Mommy take care of you.”

As usual, Sarah spent a minute studying the sight of the helpless bare-bodied little man in her hand. A meek miniature animal, free to do with what she wanted. And as it happened, at this moment, Sarah wanted to play with Matt in a very specific way.

“Shhh. Don’t move, little one. Just let me feel you.”

The velvety tips of her fingers petted gently down his nude frame, trying to soothe him, though this only served to make Matt tenser and more anxious. He was smoothed to a forced prone position on the bed of Sarah’s cushy hand, and there was no rising, nor a point in resistance. She had him sandwiched between her palms.

“That’s it, now,” Sarah whispered like a lullaby. “Stay down. Mommy’s gonna touch you now, okay? It’s gonna feel really good, I promise. Don’t squirm too much, Boogie. You’re so cute like this.”

When Sarah was satisfied with the caressing prelude, the girl wrapped the pillowy pads of her thumb and index finger softly around Matt’s crotch. Then, with expert focus and practice, Sarah commenced rubbing her massive digits up and down along the comparatively microscopic shaft of his member. His three-inch body went painfully rigid at the unwanted contact, though Sarah was cheerfully ignorant of this fact, as she was of all his suffering in general.

“I bet this feels nice, doesn’t it? Your little body is funny, Boogie, but I’m getting better at playing with it. You just gotta let Mommy show you how much she loves you. Sometimes a kiss doesn’t show it all the way, you know?” Sarah explained.

Matt ground his teeth. Why, oh why, did she have to keep dropping those motherly lines? If she was able to comprehend the concept of sexual desires and release, than surely she also comprehended the fact that “mommys” should never be a part of that scenario?

“Why doesn’t your winkie stand up yet, Boogie? I know you’ll do it. I know you’ll blow up like a little balloon after I do this for you. That’s just what boys do, you know,” Sarah said, just as affectionately. Her fingers continued their careful massage. And his dick had yet to stiffen at all. “Since I’m your Mommy, it’s my job to teach you that stuff, and make sure you know how good it feels when I do it to you. You know how you like being around my feet so much, Boogie? Well, this is sort of like that, too. I want you to feel just as happy when I do this as when you get to go play under my toes. Maybe even more!”

The juxtaposition of those revolting ideas was almost enough to make Matt never want to cum again in his life. God forbid the girl ever decide his sexuality was linked to those monstrous bare feet of hers. His dick stayed down.

However, Sarah was persistent. She laid on her stomach upon the bed, with her legs crossed, and her bare feet bobbing in midair. This repose allowed her to concentrate with academic focus on the young man pinned down in her palm. All Matt could see was Sarah’s billboard-sized face, the golden strands of her angelic hair hanging down, and of course those grabby fingers locked around his tiny member.

“Come on now, Boogie. I know you wanna pop for Mommy. Are you gonna do it soon?” she whispered with some slight impatience. She almost sounded hurt, as if the very idea that her demanding fingertips couldn’t masturbate him to completion within a minute was an insult. Puckering her lips, Sarah blew wet warm air over Matt’s gridlocked naked body. “Pop for Mommy, Boogie. Please?”

How was it, Matt often wondered, that he and his artistic, intelligent, sassy, confident girlfriend had gone from passionate free spirits to being the shrunken private property of two bubble-brained teenagers with high opinions of themselves and the sweatiest bare feet on the planet? As he relented to this horrendous daily activity of being literally cock-teased, the man pondered whether the only intimate touch he’d ever feel again in his life would be from this greedy and ginormous stranger. That thought alone was enough to make him want to shrivel up.

Yet, at the same time, in his state of desperation, the mere thought of Nadia’s distant face was enough to perk him up. His tiny erection was now standing up in Sarah’s playful fingers. Molestation or not, the combination of mounting sexual thirst and the gentle contact of skin around his junk was finally having an effect. Disgusted as Matt felt, he couldn’t fight biology.

“Yay! I knew it felt good, Boogie,” Sarah cheered. The buttery spirals of her fingerprints blurred in motion. Spurred on by the discovery of his micro half-chub, Sarah’s fingers picked up the pace. Those giant fingers, which on their own were almost as wide as Matt’s hips, settled into a faster jerking rhythm. The girl was now longer merely taunting him, but actively pumping the man like her own private voodoo doll.

“That’s it. Let Mommy make you feel nice, Boogie. Come on. You’re my pet, and I’m gonna make you feel good, cuz I know you’d like me to. After it’s over, you’ll feel sooooo happy, and you’ll remember just how much I love you!”

Matt banged his head on the plush platform of Sarah’s palm. The tremendous fingers holding down his arms only tightened, and the jacking became more aggressive.

He wanted to resist. More than anything. Some days he was successful in keeping cold, and Sarah eventually just gave up. Today, though, the shrunken man was feeling particularly depressed. Even with Amy’s occasional visits wearing Nadia in her Birkenstocks, he only got to see his enslaved girlfriend once every month or two, and otherwise, his existence was relegated exclusively to being kissed, cuddled, stepped on, and raped by this bubbly blonde amazon.

This depression meant he was forced to find silver linings wherever they appeared, and sometimes, his subconscious mind simply took over and forced him to find pleasure: in the thought of Nadia, wherever she was, and unfortunately, the feeling of Sarah’s fingers toying with him for her own amusement and misplaced generosity.

Matt squirmed in Sarah’s fingers, retched, and experienced the most reticent orgasm of his sad life. Exhausted from rebelling, he went limp again in the girl’s grip. Sarah was only too happy to bundle him up; her fist sealed around Matt, and his abused member wedged into a crevice between her taut fingers.

With his neck poking out the top of the girl’s closed hand, Matt watched numbly as those lips came near again. Sarah was more reserved this time, kissing him only three times full on the face, leaving a gloss of saliva encircling his head.

“See? You feel sooooo much better now, Boogie. It’s like getting to have a cupcake, or a really fun dream. Everybody just gets so happy after, no matter what. Especially me, when I get to do it to you. Cuz your Mommy looooves showing you how much she cares about you, and how good a pet you are, and how much fun you are to play with.”

The man was despondent in Sarah’s fist.

“Now, I bet you already miss them, so we’ll put you back down at your favorite place again, okay? Have fun on Mommy’s feet, Boogie! Mmmwwah!” the giantess proclaimed, with one last kiss on his face, then lowered her pet toward the bedspread.

Matt, defeated, held still as his tiny naked body was dangled ever-nearer to Sarah’s gleefully flexing toes and her doughy pink soles. Even then, his mind only went to one place.

What was Nadia doing at this exact moment?



(for now!)


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