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“It’s even nicer up here than it is down there,” Elise said as she sidled between the clustered trees of the forest, the plant life now more like a low-hanging shrub by comparison to her newly enlarged body. She kept her palm open and up near the level of her chin, with Marcus cupped in the center, so they could keep speaking and maintaining eye contact. “But just… you know… a little different from way up here, too. Isn’t it?”

She was right. Marcus crept to the edge of her fingers, watching the treetops zip by below like a topographical map. The last time they hiked these woods together, each at normal size, the greenery stretched so high above their heads that the sky was no longer visible, but now they were up here together, looking down on all of it. It felt special in a way, to share this last sight with Elise, even though the creeping sadness of what was coming, the inevitability of it, was beginning to weigh heavily on Marcus’s heart.

“Y-Yeah, it… it is…” he sighed.

“I thought you might like to have something really nice to look at before you go… you know, inside my stomach,” Elise said, obviously not yet quite accustomed to casually referencing her new diet.

“Thank you,” Marcus replied, genuinely.

For another couple minutes of silence, the pair trudged gradually through the forest, Elise’s every seismic footstep crossing yards at a time, but she seemed to be going purposefully slow. Marcus didn’t mind in the slightest. In fact, the deeper into the flora they crossed, and the closer they came to their favorite hang-out spot in the clearing, the more a strange feeling of serenity came over the young man. Yes, his life was about to be cut short, and that anguish remained, but it was countered and even overcome by a sense of purpose. Belonging. Regardless of the fact that Marcus would soon be ingested and fall into eternal sleep, Elise had chosen him for her first meal. Even if she didn’t share the love he harbored, a fact he might never know now, that had to count for something remarkably significant. Either way, the anticipation and whole experience of it was consuming. Marcus quietly sniffled, hanging his head in attempt to hide the welling in his eyes.

“Oh, Marcus,” Elise whispered, her own voice cracking with aching sympathy. Her fingertip stroked the top of his head, then gently dabbed his cheek as a small tear fell. “I know this might seem… frightening. The fact that you’re going to become a part of me from now on, and not be your own separate person anymore. I’m sorry that it has to be like this, where maybe it doesn’t totally make sense to you. So please, believe me, as your best friend, I’m telling you… this is right. This feels right. And honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I can’t wait to swallow you. If it had been possible to… you know, grow even sooner than my twenty-first birthday… I’d probably have done this a long time ago, so you could always be with me. But I’ll be with you, too, the entire time. I’ll keep you safe, and make sure you’re not afraid at all when it happens.”

Marcus nodded, leaning into the pillowy pad of Elise’s giant fingertip as it wiped his tears. Another shiver arched his spine. This moment, right now, practically made this sacrifice worth it alone.

At last Elise’s walking pace halted, and the trees fell away to reveal the clearing. Normally the grassy space looked humongous, half a field’s worth of empty space among the forest, but now it looked rather cramped as the giantess elegantly lowered herself into a seated position where the ground swelled into a low hill. Realizing they’d reached their destination, and the last place on Earth he’d ever see, Marcus suddenly fell his yearning reaching a fever pitch. It was literally now or never. Though he wished he could’ve delivered the news more subtly, the situation didn’t allow for that. Taking a deep breath, the young man stood tall in his friend’s hand, looked her straight in her beautiful baby-blue eyes, and said it:

“I love you, Elise. A lot. I’ve cared about you for such a long time, and I now know for sure how I feel. I do want to be with you, forever, and if this… is how you want it to be, if this is what makes you happy, to eat me first, then… I couldn’t ever be sad about it.”

Elise’s expression, already kind and attentive, softened yet further. She placed a hand over her heart, clearly touched, then dipped in low toward her open hand. Closing her eyes and delicately puckering her luscious pink lips, the giantess approached her tiny friend’s head. Heart pounding, seeing his final chance, Marcus responded with his own pucker, though it was predictably and hilariously dwarfed by the sticky, pliable embrace of Elise’s prodigious smushed-together lips practically smothering his whole body at once. Still she was careful as could be, applying just enough pressure to show her own affection, but not kiss him right off the platform of her hand either. Despite the lack of oxygen, Marcus threw himself into the smooch with all he had, savoring the intimacy of giving into the suction and moisture of Elise’s oh-so-kissable lips, even if they’d become large enough to swallow him whole, a talent soon to be demonstrated. When boy and girl retracted from one another, a thin string of her saliva on Marcus’s shoulder, he was in a daze, and had to sit himself down again in her palm.

“Thank you, Marcus. For… everything. But especially for becoming my… food,” Elise gingerly stated, her cheeks flushing pink from the heat of the kiss and her own steeped gratitude. She averted her gaze for just a moment, clearly embarrassed, but came back quickly, staying in the moment just as she promised. “Marcus, would you… take off your clothes? I’d love to have a taste of you before we do this. Just a sample.”

Having shared a kiss with the woman he loved, there wasn’t much on Earth Marcus wouldn’t have done for Elise at this stage. He dutifully stood, pulling his shirt over his head and unzipping his pants. When at last he’d kicked off his underwear, standing nude in his friend’s palm while she looked him over, he felt a notable lack of anxiety or shame, though neither had seen the other naked before. To borrow some of Elise’s own words, this felt peculiarly right to him now.


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