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Sleeping peacefully, Valerie awoke with a start to the sound of pounding feet, the rustle of sheets, and the sensation of her ankle being snatched in an over-large fist.

“Rise and shine, Mom!” Aubrey bellowed triumphantly. With just one pull, she yanked her mother right out of bed and threw her down, causing the woman to land on the floor beside and sprawl in a daze.

The young parent, woozy from this rude awakening, placed a hand over her fluttering heart. Though buxom, with a juicy rump, matching hourglass hips, and eye-catching globes for tits, Valerie was thin and rather lightweight, a regular blonde bombshell from the beauty pageant days in her youth, which made it easier for her eighteen-year-old child to pull her around. However, even that advantage couldn’t explain to the woman how Aubrey had accomplished this surprising feat with just one hand. Groggily shaking her head, she blinked, and finally drank in the sight of her daughter.

There Aubrey stood above her, her bare feet spread in a wide victorious stance, her golden-tanned legs on full display in their sculpted track-and-field glory, all the way to her upper thighs, where a pair of immodest short-short pajamas clung to her own bulbous rear-assets inherited from her mother. The girl was quite similar to Valerie in many respects, in fact, save for her shorter hairstyle, and the near-Olympian definition she possessed that made her such a powerful athlete.

Plus, as Valerie now saw, the novel fact that her daughter mysteriously stood at more than eleven feet tall. Or, once reality set in and the woman noticed the rest of the room had doubled in size too, it became clear instead she herself had shrunk to just half her stature.

“Aubrey!” she yelped, quaking in shock. This was impossible, yet no matter how many times she closed her eyes, reality remained. “What’s going on? What are you doing?”

“Just showing you how things are going to be around here from now on,” the girl shrugged, still looming over her mother. She planted her hands on her hips, glowering and smirking down at her child-sized victim. “Seeing how much smaller and weaker you are now, there’s going to be some major changes in this house.”

“How did this happen to me?” Valerie whispered.

“Stop asking stupid questions, Mom. That’s rule number one,” Aubrey snapped. She lifted one leg, letting her naked foot hover above her parent’s vulnerable body, then brought it careening down right on Valerie’s stomach. At such a reduced size for the woman, a comparatively nineteen-inch-long foot belonging to a girl with such precise and robust physical talents smashing her in the gut dealt a painful, air-squelching blow. Valerie gasped, the wind knocked fully out of her, while her daughter’s sole pressed and twisted down on her narrow abdomen like a gas pedal. All she could do was squirm while the girl amused herself by shifting her overpowering weight on and off her mother’s shrunken frame.

“What… what are you DOING?” Valerie repeated, her voice cracking. She knew her daughter to be rebellious, even a bit of a brat at times, but she’d never treated her this way before. “Please, honey, stop this!”

“Rule number two: no more ordering me around. I’m the one who calls the shots now,” Aubrey explained, just as cold. While keeping her foot on Valerie’s stomach like a doormat, pinning her down, the girl dexterously lifted her opposite foot aloft and held it right above her mother’s quivering face. She flexed and balled her toes, provocatively scrunching that peachy wrinkled sole. “Kiss my foot, Mom.”

“W-What? No! P-Please, get… off… me…”

“Oh, that reminds me. Rule number three: no back-talk, or I’ll punish you even more. That’s a good one to remember,” Aubrey chuckled. To demonstrate, she jabbed her curled toes at her mother’s lips so hard, it felt like a boxer’s punch. Stunned, the woman went silent at last. “There. Now, I’ll repeat myself just one time. Kiss my foot.”

Reeling from all this sudden inexplicable abuse, Valerie embraced a temporary survival instinct. Tears welling in her eyes from both the strain and her fear, she puckered up and planted a gentle kiss on the ball of her daughter’s velvety-soft bare foot.

“That’s all?” Her meaty toes fondled her mother’s lips. “One more time, like you mean it.”

Nodding, Valerie obeyed and pressed her lips harder to the spongy flesh.

“Better. Was that so hard?” Aubrey taunted, clearly irritated. She slapped her sole on both sides of her mother’s cheeks, discombobulating her, before mercifully stepping off to the carpet again and letting the woman lie prone, coughing and shaking. “I was hoping you’d get the point faster than that, but I guess this is what I have to work with. Stand up now, Mom. Don’t make me tell you again.”

Though horrified questions were swirling in her head, begging to be answered, Valerie didn’t dare speak out of line again just yet, given her daughter’s emotional state. What had brought this on, she couldn’t say, and she was even more bewildered by the nightmarish fact that she’d somehow shrunken in the night, and what’s more, Aubrey wasn’t the least bit perturbed, even surprised, by it. Cradling a light bruise on her stomach, the woman huffed and puffed, and gingerly clambered up, hanging onto the bedsheets for support.

Somehow standing made Valerie feel worse than before, because even had her full height, the top of her head barely reached Aubrey’s exposed belly button beneath that midriff-bearing sleep top, which really put things in imposing perspective. For several seconds, the woman watched her daughter’s washboard-molded abs calmly expanding and retracting, as this semi-violent show had clearly not upset the girl in the slightest. Slowly, Valerie put the troubling pieces together.

“Just to get it over with, so you can stop having that stupid look on your face, yes, I did this to you,” Aubrey callously admitted. She stepped forward, backing her mother against the bedframe. “I can change the sizes of things. Whenever I want, just like that. I haven’t been able to do it for very long, and trust me, if I’d been able to do it before, I’d have shrunk you a long time ago, Mom. But, now things will be how they’re supposed to be, finally. You don’t own this house anymore. You don’t own me, your clothes, even yourself. You don’t own shit. I own you.”

Valerie hunched slightly, nursing her bruise, and winced just at the sheer vicious aura her daughter projected: the heat of her youthful yet mighty body, and the promise of further awful acts. At just two-foot-nine, she felt more fragile than ever, wobbling in the knees. All the poor diminutive mother could see was the aggressive, warrior-queen monument of her child, closing in every second.

“Oh, God… oh, God…” Valerie wept.

“Pray all you want, Mom. Nobody can help you now. So, really, you should just learn to get used to this. Maybe you’ll even start to enjoy it, if you try really hard,” Aubrey said, dispassionate as ever. She raised a hand, and for a moment Valerie thought her daughter was going to slap her with a force sufficient to induce whiplash.

Instead, the girl coolly cupped her hand behind Valerie’s shrunken head. At this size disparity, the athletic Alpha-woman could practically palm her mother’s skull like a softball. Her fingers laced between Valerie’s long golden locks, practically wrapping all the way around, and subtly pulled her closer just by her head alone. The little woman was utterly powerless to resist her daughter’s magnetic strength.

“W-What’s happening?” Valerie whimpered.

“This is even better than I imagined it would feel. I mean, I knew it would be fun, but I didn’t think it would get to me this soon,” Aubrey murmured, grinning ear-to-ear. She pulled her mother’s face in nearer and nearer toward her wide-set hips, and forced Valerie to bow slightly, until the dwarfed woman’s nose was just two inches away from her daughter’s shorts-clad crotch.

“N-No… no, please…” Valerie inhaled, picking up on a distinct heady aroma steaming from between her daughter’s legs. It couldn’t be.

“Yeah, that’s right, Mom. Can you tell yet why I’m not going to stop, no matter how much you whine?” Aubrey purred. Though she felt her mother trying to pull back, all it took was one last jerk from the girl’s hand, and instantly Valerie’s face was smothered into the thin cotton of her child’s skimpy pajama bottoms. The fabric, stingingly fragrant of arousal, was also sticky in one small patch, having soaked through from the inside.

Valerie gasped in revulsion.

“Because nothing has ever made me as wet as this is making me right now,” Aubrey announced, aching with need. She ground her mother’s face back and forth on her shorts, from thigh to thigh, until Valerie’s nose and upper lip were slightly damp with nectar. Just as swiftly, then, she wrenched the woman’s head off her veiled mound and shoved her back against the mattress. In the time it took her parent to wipe the discharge off her cheeks in disgust, Aubrey was already working on peeling her tight shorts down her quads. Her black satin panties appeared from beneath, and unlike the shorts, which were only dotted with moisture, these were thoroughly soaked in her flowery juices.

Reveling in the moment, the sight of her mewling mother repelled and trapped by her daughter’s perverse horniness, Aubrey couldn’t help but laugh again. She held her chin high, not even deigning to look down on Valerie for the time being. When the domineering fingers of her free hand clawed again and reached for her cowering mother, the mini-giantess didn’t even need to pull Valerie by force. She simply stroked those tiny cheeks, almost loving, then added in a confident slur: “Come suck this stuff out of my underwear now, or I’ll rub you around in it until I hear something break in your face.”

Through her gushing tears, Valerie heard the awful truth in her daughter’s words, and though it made her want to vomit from heartbreak, she didn’t doubt the threat. Unable to bring herself to look up at the girl, which would’ve been pointless anyway, the woman shuffled a few inches forward, concentrating instead on Aubrey’s bare peds in their sure-footed stance. They were planted firm as a tree’s roots, double the size of Valerie’s now; the girl’s pedicured toes gracefully grasped the carpet fibers yet simultaneously possessed the potential alone to crack the little woman’s jaw if swung.

Valerie cleared her throat, bowing enough to align her face with her daughter’s privates again. The dark satin shimmered with erotic fluid, and seemed to be refreshed all the time, as the amazon was actively re-creaming herself during this horrid buildup.

Her gag reflex activated, partially in anticipation of his disgusting act, but more so in fact for the knowledge that she was being forced to suck her own offspring’s feminine juices out of her panties. Seeing Aubrey’s hand rising again from the corner of her peripheral, Valerie again embraced survival, jutted her face forward, and took hold of the moist fabric in her teeth. Then, wadding in more to her mouth, the shrunken woman began to bitterly suckle her daughter’s sopping underwear. Liquid dripped poisonously down her throat, while every twitch of her tongue or pulse of her cheeks caused more to seep from the black fabric.

Above, Aubrey giggled warmly, and again brought her hand to rest at the back of her mother’s head to discourage pulling away, though she didn’t have to restrain this time. The longer Valerie squeezed and gagged on the musky, dripping material in her mouth, the more she could feel what waited beneath. The distinct impression of her daughter’s labial lips became clear, as though they were kissing her through the panties.

A few stray swipes of Valerie’s tongue, even, tempted her daughter’s ravenous pussy. This caused the giant girl’s whole towering frame to shiver without shame, and her hand to tug just a little harder at her mother’s vulnerable head.

“Wow, you are good at this. See how much better it is when you listen to me?” Aubrey moaned, her voice dreamy now from lust. Her hand mopped her mother’s face to and fro, to the point of inflicting carpet burn; the girl’s legs closed in as well, unsubtly using her thighs and calves to lock Valerie’s thin frame between her chiseled gams. “Oh, I can’t wait to use you for all kinds of fun, Mom. You’re going to be a perfect slave.”


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