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"Haven't we all"


Kill or be killed, huh


Oh my god, I totally ship him with Emmy. He gives me Nick Wilde vibes! *_*


After re-reading a few times over, I’m going to guess that Dennis will want Emmy in exchange for the part.


Ohhh that‘d be.. weird 😅 what‘d he need her for? Since he said "because I‘m bigger than you and I can just take it away" I‘m sure Emmy will step in for Darcy and she will probably lecture him for his behavior towards a little girl, since she‘s a nandroid.

Dr. Rodin

@Dominic Cellini, that’s QUITE a lil tidbit of information regarding Dennis (thinking of possibly the trauma & PTSD he had from the war)-

Dr. Rodin

There’s a lot to think about with Dennis’s outfit. Typically bots have to wear uniform, but obviously Dennis here is not an official or belongs to an owner he’s p much homeless if he wasn’t working for the “aunt”. The medal is an obvious thing of what his model was used for, but the baggy clothes with the pants and coat and that darn RED SCARF. Red was kinda used as like an item of story telling significance in old movies like Spielberg’s Schindler’s List, usually associated with tragedy. I’m thinking the scarf, the clothes, and the medal (the robot rights obvs didnt happen during WW2 so Dennis could’nt have been given a medal) once belong to a human soldier/officer that he knew in the war…

Dr. Rodin

To back up my claim, the clothes are baggy because they’re not his right size he’s prolly pretty skinny in the clothes (makes sense if they’ve made disposable bots with lighter chassis during the war that were used for first line defense before humans in the 2nd line can charge in). But Dennis could’ve chosen to wear more fitting clothes (u can’t tell me there’s no thrown out clothes that he can find for his size). BUT, he KEPT these clothes for more likely sentimental reasons because a lot veterans are p sentimental.

Dr. Rodin

But a counterpoint to my arguments, he prolly couldn’t find clothes perfectly his size because he’s p dang tall and he doesn’t want to constantly find new clothes so he’s wearing old, baggy but pretty durable clothes that he can wear daily no problem

Dr. Rodin

and while I’m on going on about clothes, Darcy’s pink & green Hawaiian like shirt is prolly a lil clue to how despite of her being crabby & very witty for her age, she still likes pretty things like girls her age (those are pink flowers alright). And also obviously the big-a$& bomber jacket is for her to hide all sorts of lil gadgets like the tracker bracelet she’ve put on Emmy and extra storage to hide her wares when it seems pretty frequent her products would get confiscated whenever she’s caught 🤔


“shes new here be nice she just suffered a traumatic event” LMAO. funniest line in the comic so far


Dennis seems like such a charmer