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I got more robot history for you lore geeks!

The Android Ethics Code marked the beginning of what many call the “Silver Age” of robotics. While these new guidelines were initially met with praise and robots were embraced in society, this era would not last. As new voices and unprecedented challenges emerge, the role robots play in this world would be called into question.




This is an excellent background to the world and how it works. The fact that all this happened gives us much more to imagine in both, the factors that went into it, as with what will happen in the story.


Always love to see this kind of stuff. So interesting!!!


Oh, my goodness! I love the world-building!

Dr. Rodin

So what does the Relocation & Rehabilitation part of the rules mean? Does it mean companies like Sterling have a system in place to repair/rehab malfunctioning bots like Emmy? There seems to be a change in leadership when Sterling is not around in which higher-ups casually said they can give Emmy’s family a new nandroid in place of her instead of fully repairing her 🤔 Also, WHERE do these “non-dangerous” bots go for “relocation”….

Dr. Rodin

it’s so neat that in like three images here we went from a scientist building prolly a prototype bot with working limbs & prolly physical controls on the front that doesn’t look elegant at all. And the ad with the Jane & John GR bots being prolly one of the first (if ever THE FIRST) commercial bots ready to be purchased with those less expressive faces & very bland uniforms. To prolly close to the present with those traffic bots CLEARLY more advanced with those tv screens showing animated, more expressive faces & wearing uniform that makes them walking infrastructure-based workers widely accepted by states/the government by now, free to interact with humans but in official capacity like police or firemen. 🤔

Dr. Rodin

while I’m at it, in the B&W picture, people surrounding Sterling while he is kind of smiling in front of those microphones (most likely attached to recording devices of associated presses so they have unedited recording literally straight from his mouth) look disappointed or irritated by him, disapproving of Sterling’s stance in pro-robot rights. And even Ziegler doesn’t look too happy, looking a tad concern for prolly his most closest colleague facing public backlash. Ziegler is most likely one of the few, if not the ONLY ONE, who knew Sterling better than prolly his own company like Iwerks was someone REALLY personal to Disney at one point. But maybe also as it was with Iwerks & Disney, their friendship must’ve changed DRASTICALLY between this point of time to the present….

Dr. Rodin

And right away I see why there’s an issue with the AEC rules and why the vagueness of them makes it easy for others to take advantage of bots while these rules were supposed to enforce robot rights. Companies AND private owners are liable to the damages of the bots resulted from the bots becoming “dangerous”. Companies AND private users would want to NOT pay for damages/malfunctions of the bots they’re supposed to facilitate/send to rehab as stated by the law. So they prolly find loopholes in which they can have a malfunctioning bot to be labeled in need of “rehab” and supposedly be sent to the manufacturer so that the owners can buy a new one in its place “temporarily” at a conveniently discounted price while the company periodically reports the bot is going thru “rehab” when in reality it was sent to the crusher to be recycled.

Dr. Rodin

Huh, looking at the Jane & Joe ad that tagline about a woman is pretty fitting of the time period that this story is more or less loosely based on, but that ad looks pretty dang old compared to the present and we know that there are working women like Madeline’s mom able to work in high-end jobs in the present. But another question that can be raised is how many of these working women are able to have that same level of economic opportunity enough to pay to live in a high-class neighborhood in a BIG HOUSE for just a family of three. So far the only female cast we’ve seen so far is Madeline, her mom, Emmy, and Darcy/ NONE of them are the lower-class adult women working so where does this story go? 🤔

Dr. Rodin

I remember and know very well that Madeline’s mom didn’t come from a rich family and it was more so the Dad. It’s pretty great for the mom to have an education and able to GET such a high-paying job that fits the degree. But I wonder if other women who also had education were able to find similar opportunities in the story 🤔


hrmmmm, guess we know now why companies and media say that out models are dangerous. Also, there needs to be some sort of third-party oversight committee for any of these rules to apply, the honor system never works for corporations