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This series is so cute and so vaugley threatening


Dominic you just love playing with our emotions 😭




This one got me emotionally. The social pressure is inevitable. F#ck

Michael McKinney

And the house of cards begins to fall. I doubt it will get better before it gets worse. Great story so far.

Dr. Rodin

Oh no Emmy 😭😭😭


I love the slow, steady buildup of this world. The perfect Cleaver style family undercut by the dark edges: the ethical issues of Sterling robotics creating sentient life soley for servitude, the older models discarded and shut out from society, the choice a family must make when their robot shows anything but perfection. Good stuff.

Wally Hackenslacker

Oh boy! I would say Molly is going to rat Emmy out but that would be too obvious, isn't it?


Just a small typo in the second to last panel, it reads"He's should be the one on fire," so you can fix it before posting on social


And now we see how this incident is affecting the other nanny bots as well!


It's weird that I'm both looking forward to and dreading new updates.


Brill xd


There’s nothing left for Molly to do. She doesn’t know anything that the others don’t. Franny is the only one Emmy confessed some concerns to before.

Zane Duncan

Oh boy word travels fast. I’m really worried for Emmy


I have to side with them. The robots are not human and everything in their heads is programming. This was explained in an earlier comic, about a robot throwing a girl in a washing machine because it didn't recognize she was still wearing the dirty clothes. A human would never make that mistake but for a robot all it takes is 1 line of corrupted code.


Well, there are certain cases in which humans do that kind of things if they're not right in the head... much like a robot's programming :^o


I love that the nandroids’ personalities reflect their owners. Where as Molly likely saw it as disgraceful like her owner’s, Franny’s owner seems to think it is a fixable problem like Franny does.


Hello, I just want to say I really like your comic. Great art, great style, and more worldbuilding than I expected! Thank you for making it.


and you don't let those humans watch your kids once they get out of prison for manslaughter.


I can see where you're coming from, but at the same time I can see it leaving the families with a bad perception of their own nandroids aside from Emmy, since then any of them could theoretically be next to bug out (not saying it will happen for sure, but Emmy bugging out could leave a sour taste in their mouths not just towards the Delaires and Emmy, but of nandroids in general).

Michael McKinney

The question of sentience is a topic very well explored in fiction. We don’t fully know the case for the Nandroids but I do recommend episodes of Star Trek TNG like Measure of a Man and Quality of Life. Fascinating stuff. It’s definitely not supposed to be easy to know the right answer in this case, though we are predisposed to wanting to see Emmy succeed, as she is the protagonist.


Hey that book in the beginning written by a woman named "Emily Pryce", and one of Michelle's dad (the blonde guy in the 2nd panel I think) is also named Pryce. Coincidence?🤔


Really glad I'm a patreon member now. No need to wait for content on Webtoon(which I will still support with views, btw)!


I am curious as to who is the narrator in the first panel. Probably a droid, maybe Emmy, and a little sad if not resentful. But, I could actually see it being Molly too. I wonder if she doesn't have a bit of outmode going on herself.


I love this comic soooo much!