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I felt like it was time to make an updated official lineup of the characters to have on my website!



Dr. Rodin

Ok now the nandroids don’t look like walking stick figures with dresses on them now. But also, EYE PUPILS or whatever something that makes eyes go 👁. The characters look more attentive, living except for the parents. Is it deliberate? 🤔…


The nandroids always had "eye pupils even in early concept art. But I think I've just become better at drawing them having done so so many times now.

Dr. Rodin

Oh I remembered some of the early drawings of Emmy with those pupils now you mention it. It’s a nice blend of the old and new in the designs here. 👌

Dr. Rodin

Now that I’m looking at the new designs and the previous, the nandroids look a lil dainty, but we know they’re designed to to take on growing children. Maybe to sell an image that nandroids have a lot of power in a dainty package (the droids looks like dolls in their packaged box when they first arrive).

Miy Eterp

Wow 😳


I think it's a balance between being smaller than an adult to be more approachable to a child (literally closer to being on the same level) but being large enough to usefully navigate a house made for adults. They're still pretty short, though; they'd have trouble reaching high shelves without a step-ladder.

Dr. Rodin

@Lurker45, it seems a lil bit of a flaw to make the nandroids having to use a step ladder to reach stuff, but I suppose they can’t be too tall to a child. Also the dad looks like a GIANT compared to the bots, he couldn’t be average height 😐😐😐

Helio Clark

oh god! new desktop bg here! :B love it!

Zane Duncan

This is a great piece of art work. I really like how your talented enough to show so much of each of the nandroid’s personalities in just one picture.


by the gods!!!! they are so adorable!!!! don't know how you do it dom

Michael McKinney

People are focusing on how tall the Nandroids are, but can we mention what an absolute unit Ted is? Being conservative, let’s say Madeline is 3ft tall, nearly a full foot less than the lower average for her age, this means Ted is nearly 6 and a half feet tall, big man.


When it comes right down to it, this is a cartoon. Their proportions are bound to be significantly different than in real life. Anyway, I'm so glad we get some art this week!


I appreciate how Madeline's height is not measured at her cranium, but at the apex of her ponytail.


I wouldn’t take the height differences too literally as they’re pretty stylized. But Ted is meant to be on the tall side, probably around 6’2 I imagine if he were a real person.

Dr. Rodin

@3DCinetv, I get it now that the parents are workaholics that they might look a lil emotionally stiff until they unwind like the bed scene in the last comic. Maybe it wasn’t a good design choice to have the nanny bots pretty small if they’re gonna juggle so many tasks that typically takes a whole staff of servants to do.

Dr. Rodin

@Dominic Cellini, I think old people would appreciate care bots at this size so they don’t feel like they’re manhandled by a tall orderly guy from a retirement home (but still have the strength of one at that size).

Dr. Rodin

Do you think Madeline have inherited Angela’s or Ted’s height genes? 🤔