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I've had some people tell me they're having trouble with the images on here showing up blurry. My posts have appeared okay on my end on phone and desktop, however, I'm curious to see how many others are having this problem. I want to provide you all with quality images that are easy to read and see, so if this is a consistent issue, I'll find a way to fix it! 



They've all been blurry for a noticable amount of time before smoothing out once I've zoomed in on that segment of the image


If I may say, the problem I experienced is on Patreon android app. If I see your post from desktop, it's fine. This is if your post actually quite long.


It only seems to happen on longer images


For me the comics need to be downloaded to the device to be viewed and read properly. I have experienced the same thing with pngs on a different app


It's only happened to me when viewing posts on the mobile app, as long as I view it on desktop it looks fine


Image on mobile are very poor quality, but I thibk splitting panels into several images instead of one long strip should help


That's actually something I'm working on, thankfully. Another patron had brought it up and I think it could be a good idea. Initially, I went with the long strip for ease of viewing on mobile. It looked fine on my end, but I realize the apps and sites may run differently for people using different devices. Thank you for your input!


I always thought it was because phones can't handle high resolution images and shows a blurry version until the original loads


Only when I actually tap to see the whole image. The preview looks fine


I noticed that image results blurred if I don't open (clicking on) it. When I click on post until I can see the full vertical stripe on dark background, I can enlarge it was much as I want and result is always perfect.


Just checked. It’s definitely the mobile version . I’ll send you a tweet about it.

Connor Garrett

The only “issue” I’ve ever had is the load time, but once they load they’re always beautiful and crisp