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Hello Patrons,

Hope everyone is doing well! Just here to share the current WIP preview of the user interface, please feel free to take a look at the attachment.

Once you have a chance to take a look, please feel free to share your feedback below as we are actively changing/improving it right now and any notes will be very helpful. You can also vote your general idea in the poll so we can get a rough idea where it stands so far.

Thank you!!


Matthew Cross

Looking good. All these little posts just makes me want to play it right now.


love the design. i do think the extras page is a little too vibrant but i think that might just be the contrast of going from mostly white backgrounds to black. makes it stand out more. either way can't wait for this game.


I was getting a similar feeling, like it was beat saber music selection or something lol


Ok dang. Gotta say this screams sci-fi. Makes it look very futuristic! Nice!


Text box, choices and fonts look good. Menus are a bit harder to look at but can't pinpoint why exactly. Maybe too much black spaces makes the neon look a bit harsh? Not sure.

Tansetsu Fuyuka - 鍛雪冬花

The text boxes look good enough. The menus aren't bad but don't look as palatable. What makes the text boxes look good is their simplicity. It's just a flat gray rectangle. Sharply defined, clean, and no decor getting in the way. Text boxes and options menus are put in games to be functional, and this look reflects that: Simple and straightforward. Perhaps the only weird thing is there are 3 different typefaces in the same box. The menus on the other hand go the other way. There's a lot of nice straight lines and flat shades which is good, but there's so much bloom, and it really stands against the black background. The background itself also has those numerous purple squares laying around, which add in a lot of complex contrast and make it difficult to perceive detail, particularly at their edges. In EE as an example, the background was very smooth, and the palate was very simple using only purples, and no sharp edges between vastly different colors or shades. In that background, the only place where it would actually fade to black was in the lower left corner, which was on the opposite side of the screen from all of the unencapsulated text such as in the music menu. Having a dark blue-purple background of some sort without a lot of brightness variation could solve the apparent "business", or as a quick fix, take out the bottom two song options and leave the 3 on top that aren't touching the squares


One thing missing is the save menu though. Do you still plan to include some kind of save name so that we can remember which route we are on in each save without workarounds like only saving when the girl is on the screen alone?


renaming save slots is definitely on the feature wishlist for GUI. We haven't planned out save/load yet