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Sorry for the wait… Been struggling quite a bit this time…

So… Due to different arms and leg pose, this end up almost as if I am drawing 3 bodies for Plymouth (well, more like 2.5 haha) Had to fix quite a few things from the sketch to make her body look consistent throughout 3 poses…

But one of the biggest struggle has to be her eyes… When I start colouring her eyes I realize her iris isn’t the usual oval shape, but instead it is flowery shape… this was soooo challenging to draw as I am not used to this kinda shape and it really doesn’t work well on my art style… after trying a bunch, I gave up and just gave her oval shape… but in the end I felt this isn’t faithful to the original design so I tried a few more times until I finally able to get something I am happy with now… Currently I am a little unsure if I should keep doing flower shape on all other expressions too… what do you guys think?

Looking at art from her original artist, I see the artist will often put tons of other colours on her light pink hair, so I tried paint it as well to make her hair feel more colourful and pretty 030

I hope the colours look good so far… gonna start drawing the variations and background soon…. Sigh.. its gonna be sooo much work this time fml TwT




Wow, she looks gorgeous! The coloring on her hair is incredible, and you did an amazing job with her irises. I can see how the flower shape would take a fair amount of time to get right. Personally I have no preference either way for if you use it for her other expressions. It sounds like this set is going to be a lot of work, so if using oval irises going forward will save you time and effort, I think that you should go for it. I love that her inverted nipples pop out when she's prolapsed! I'm sure this set is going to be incredible. Keep up the great work, and know that we're all rooting for you! Take care.

