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Sorry for the long wait… I finished this sketch days ago, but upon reviewing the page and story, I realized what I drew is too similar to South Dakota’s insect story… So I decided to completely resketch all the pages which is why it took so long…

Since this set has an entirely different theme, I need another arm pose for the closed-leg version… and due to artblock, I struggled quite a bit trying to come up with a pose that works for this drawing… >A< I also decided to add different feet pose for the cum page so the drawing feels more engaging.

As much as I like seeing ins3ct theme art, I personally hate to draw it since in3ect are very difficult to draw… >A< I am not looking forward on drawing the c0ckr0aches lol…

Originally the drawing was going to have Plymouth pr0lapse from page 10, but since it is too similar to SD’s set, I thought maybe will do speculum this time instead.

For the xray, I also want to do something different to SD’s. This time will show a full torso xray so we can get a better idea on how her w0mb expands~~

Lastly for the pr3gnant version, since it is a time skip I decided to add a bunch of c0ckr0ach waste on her body… I am not a fan of sc4t, but since c0ckr0aches literally do nothing except shit and reproduce, it makes sense they will use her body like this… due to this, her body gets contaminated, hence why there are spots on her nipples and vagina… XD I hope this isn’t too extreme haha…

Anyway I hope you guys like this version as well 030

Other pages: https://sta.sh/22dzc6mhw58d



Silver S

今作にも卵巣が出ますか? ゴキブリの精液で汚染された卵巣も見たいですね(〃∇〃)


出てきます~!~ ただ描き忘れてただけです(^~^;)ゞ


Oh dang, you’re right, this one is pretty extreme, haha. Always cool to see you venturing into new themes. Sorry to hear it gave you so much trouble, but as usual you came out on the other side. Keep it up~