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First of all, I want to apologize for the recent slow speed on drawings…

The truth is, I have been very insecure about my works, and stuck in a vicious cycle of depression for quite a few months now… Ever since getting judge by that one fan, my own negative views on my works just gets multiply, and I tried many different things to see if I can improve my works, but unfortunately I simply don’t know enough drawing and colouring techniques, even with all the recent new attempts it still feel like I am really lacking behind compare to other artist… Part of my mind keep asking myself, if it is okay for me to continue drawing, or should I just stop… but if I stop I am nothing… because this is the situation I got myself into these days… It is what it is, and I just want to thank you guys for the continuous support, and I will try my best to do better and get my shit back together and make more drawings for you guys!! >A<

That being said though… something I have been also thinking recently… What do you guys value most on my art works? My art style? The way I colour? My story and settings?

Recently I been keep trying new colouring stuff but I just cannot reach the professional height… so part of me was thinking should I maybe try do something simpler instead… just clean lineworks then cel shading style… but if you guys prefer the fully shade stuff I do, then I will continue using this style and try my best to be more efficient with it…

Lastly just want to rant about something happen in this month… My PC is kinda long due for upgrade, especially for the GPU. Initially I planned to buy a brand new PC, but my friend say I am wasteful for dumping a completely fine computer, and so due to his persuasion I decided to make only small upgrade to my PC instead… He said since my CPU is somewhat strong, it should be able to use for a bit longer, but he forgot to take deteriorate into the equation… Believing his words, I went searching on best 2nd hand GPU deals for days, but mum is too worried of scammers in HK so I got persuade to buy brand new card instead…

After lots of planning etc, I finally decide I will get a small upgrade on SSD so I can finally store most drawings on there for faster access, more rams so I can draw while having tons of tabs, and also a brand new GPU for games… unfortunately it didn’t work out and the computer keep crashing… and upon checking it turns out my old power supply was failing so I had to buy a new one… but after installing it my computer still stutters, so after much struggle I finally decide I will just change all other old components instead… the computer repair shop was very far away and it wasn’t fun carrying this heavy ass computer back and forth sooo many times… what initially meant to be a small upgrade turn into changing different parts in 3 session and it was very time consuming… worst of all is that if I build a brand new pc it would have been a lot better than this Frankenstein PC I am using now… I been sleeping very poorly in this month coz I have been bugged and annoyed with the situation… >A<

Anyway, after renewing basically everything, I also decide to get a new case… I think for this whole build the only thing I am happy with is the casing… TwT o well, what’s done is done, and at least the computer is somewhat half decent now so I can finally draw at peace now…

So ye, kinda a random update… sorry it wasn’t a drawing update lol… Anyway, I just need few more days then Kuki will be complete! The pack is pretty big already but I think I might just add in 1 more quick drawing into the set… so 2023 vol.2 should come out around end of this month! Thanks for support >3<!






I'm quite familiar with those feelings of depression and insecurity. Even if things are going well for months, one person saying something dumb can shatter everything and shove you right back into that cycle. It's tough. I'm glad you've still been experimenting with your works despite that. Hopefully you can get to a place where it makes you happy without caring too much what others think. Still, you have friends and supporters on here, so please don't think you're alone. I do know quite well how negative comments can stand out above all the positive ones, though, it's unfortunate but true. Things I've always liked about your art are your creativity and your attention to detail. You're always trying to come up with new ideas for your works and making sure everything is just right. I've always found it pretty inspiring. I've also always just really liked the way you colour things, particularly things like eyes and bodies. And I've only seen you get better and better with this. That story really is annoying, I'm just glad it's over now and you have something to work with. Hopefully you don't have to deal with any more of this for a while. It's also not helpful that this all happens at a time when you already weren't feeling good... Well, just keep it up, man. We're here for you, and I'll keep supporting your art as long as I can.


Thanks for your kind words (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣) ya I hope so too... didnt expect computers can be so problematic...