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Sorry for slow update… Recently got caught up by some real-life stuff, but I am really happy to say, I am finally done with all the driving course thing!! Then I also recently made a small upgrade to my computer so hopefully it is a lot faster to load big drawing files XD

Now as for the drawing, I initially thought I can finish the whole set this week, but I was very very wrong… I totally underestimated the amount of work needed for this drawing… Without taking clothing into consideration, my dumbass decides to add one extra pose to show off better on the orgasm pose for the profile view, and now it is adding even more work to an already very annoying drawing >A<

Gosh I really hate Genshin characters’ outfit design…. They always have ridiculous amount of detail, and I really should have reduced some detail on her outfit instead of going mostly accurate to the original outfit… TwT not to mention drawing it in so many views while having to keep it looking consistent is a very difficult task… I had to redraw bits quite a few times to make sure it looks correct for all poses…

I did end up completely redrawing her hair as I really dislike how it looked before… I also realized the second pose’s pussy was a bit too big so I fixed it before finalizing the drawing… I also drew the second head and other expressions for the page variations…

Gonna start shading the outfits tomorrow… I am really not looking forward to it >< Once the outfit is done, then will just have to draw a few more details such as the beetle itself, and the player icons etc… then after that I can finally proceed to compile this set and add in effects on the pages… I hope I can finish this next week or something >A<

Sorry for taking so long, and thank you for your patience… I hope the WIP looks good so far >x< Sigh… this is killing me lol… after this drawing, I definitely need to draw something simpler to kinda relax my mind a little haha




Don't feel the need to apologize for taking a while. It sounds like this set is a lot of work, between the outfit and adding an extra pose. Plus you've had some irl stuff. I know that I definitely appreciate the extra pose hahaha. Thanks for all your hard work, and please take care of yourself!