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Sigh… so many problem with this drawing =3=

Since I am trying out new colours in hopes of improving my art style, since last update I went back and fix a couple more things again… Unfortunately to say, it seems I just cannot push myself to the pro artist level, and it is gonna be my usual art level… Look, I tried QAQ

Anyway… As I draw her pr0lapse I realized her vagina was wrong, I end up fixing it like 4 fuking times for all versions of normal and pr0lapse vagina until I finally got it correct… Fml I am pretty sure my art skill have fallen off these days mannn… TwT

I also didn’t like how the old side ribbon hair is blocking her eyelash, so I redraw the whole part again to make her look prettier 030

I was gonna use a downloaded brush I found on CSP, but it end up not mixing well with this drawing… After trying a couple, in the end I bought a brush and trace over it in order to make my own flower stamps. It was such a tiresome thing to draw, and it got even worst at one point the power cut off and I lost all my progress on the sakura and had to start again, which is why I am so slow on this drawing Orz…

The drawing is mostly done now except for the background and some effects on the final pages… I will try get it finish asap >A<




Sorry to hear that you've had so many issues with this one. Especially the power outage... that really sucks man :( I honestly think you vastly underestimate how good your "usual art level" is - all of us love your stuff! Pushing yourself to get better doesn't mean that you're bad now. I think Ayaka looks beautiful, and you did an amazing job on the sakura branches! I'm sure this one will turn out great like always. Take care of yourself and push through. You can do it!


Dang, sorry to hear about all the struggles, but as usual the drawing itself looks amazing. I quite like the colours here, they're very vibrant and I like all the new stuff you're trying out. The background could be tricky, but I have faith that you'll do that well too. Keep it up, excited to see this one completed!


ya.. shit like that really kills motivation TwT but ya thanks!