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First of all, thank you everyone for your patience… I know I am very slow and not amazing at drawing, but yet you guys still bear with me and stick around, so thank you very much for your support!!

As mentioned I been quite depressed and insecure about my art, after colouring this drawing as usual, I realize it is simply not good enough, and so I decided to completely rework on the colours and try something new… Do let me know what you think~ 030

Last week I have been trying to figure out how other artist draw, but unfortunately I cannot mimic the pro’s way of drawing… Orz I hope this new style attempt is at least somewhat of an improvement… >A<

I tired new skin colour and shading, but for some reason I just cannot mimic the colours they use, as it will always look too muddy and I simply cannot figure out why… So I just have to settle with whatever kinda works…

Someone years ago said the way I draw eyes aren’t good enough, and throughout the years I always have been trying out new stuff to make the eyes look better… This time trying out a slightly different way on drawing it, hopefully now it looks prettier?

As for the hair, it is always something I dislike colouring due to the amount of detail… I often spend quite a long time colouring it despite how simple it looks… This time testing out a new method that hopefully will make the hair feel more detailed, with more highlights and stuff to make the hair look glossy and pretty…

Gonna move onto other variation and clothing soon, I am really not looking forward on drawing those flowers mannnnn… I wonder if there is any Cherry blossom brush on CSP to give me an easier life… =w= Wish me luck…




I’ve always thought that the colouring and eyes were actually highlights of your drawings, personally, but I’m glad you’re experimenting! This definitely looks great and I hope you’ve figured out something you’re happier with. Keep it up, it’s looking great!


I like your colouring! Thank you for it, even if colouring is rough for you.




Ye tbh I always struggle and feel lazy on colouring, but since you guys like it I will continue give it my best! thanks ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)