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This set is available on my Gumroad: https://gum.co/dlyzn/

Terribly sorry for the long wait… Ahh… Finally got this finished! I honestly didn’t expect how much work I still need to do since last update…

After finishing all the girls, I saw DISH’s Musashi’s hent4i art and realize she has a mole at her pussy! So I thought I have to add her in for sure XD Given she is basically the most OP ship in game atm, there is no better place to place her other than the center of the drawing 030/

But after the characters, what is left for me to work on, is nothing but hell… So I started with the rocks. Unable to final any good looking rock brush, I end up have to paint these rocks myself… struggled quite a bit as I never draw rocks before so it took longer than expected… After that I try draw the rock floorbed for the whole drawing... At first I tried hand painted it, then I tried texture brush, but it all look really bad so I end up using a screenshot of Genshin’s floor texture then paint on top of it… I hope it is fine if I cheat a little here since I am not a background pro… >A<

As took me ages to draw the Mount Fuji and the sakura trees. Even though they are quite far away, it is still very visible so I cannot slack on these details… Orz

Lastly for the water it was very annoying… I know for this drawing I certainly cannot use my old shitty water colouring method, so I have to test out tons of shit to get the water finally looking somewhat decent now… Then just trying to find a good looking smoke brush then add some effects here and there…

Sigh… This drawing was such a big project… especially with mental and health issue, I keep questioning myself if I should really continue this drawing or am I even sane thinking I can finish this… After what felt like eternity I finally able to complete this drawing… (o´д`o)=3 I really hope this drawing turned out as good as you guys expected.

Lastly, for those who pledge $500+ lifetime on my patreon, I will give you guys a free discount link for this drawing. As for those who pledge over $250+ you guys will get a $15 off discount. Sorry it isn’t much but I just want to say thank you soooooo soooo much for all of you who supports me making this dream of a drawing possible… >A<

Other pages: https://sta.sh/2267ebecyzv0




Somehow, Musashi wasn't the only one who appeared out of nowhere, I spy Mutsuki and Kisaragi in here now too! They're so cute! Man, what a journey this has been. I remember seeing the first sketch for this back when you originally posted it. I never would have imagined it would have grown to this size. It's an amazing work of art, and I'm super impressed by both your patience and your skills. What you've achieved here is amazing, every girl truly feels unique in one way or another. I'm proud of what you've managed to accomplish here, fantastic job! Now I'd say it's time to take some time for yourself, you've worked hard here. Thanks for always giving it your all!


Ye honestly this drawing grown a little out of hand xD Everytime I show this drawing to mum, she rolls her eyes saying this drawing is too much of a mess featuring too many girls XDDD and thanks, really glad to hear you like this drawing~~(︶ω︶)


Looks really nice, background and water turned out really good :D Glad musashi got to be part of it as well she looks really good.


Thank you!(⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) I am glad you like the addition of Musashi~