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This set is available on my Gumroad: https://gum.co/crNqf

As I am about to upload the new Sakura Onsen drawing onto Gumroad, it reminds me of this Vacation Lane drawing…

The colours on this drawing has always frustrates me, since the old skin colour blends into the sand background making the whole drawing feels very yellowy… I couldn’t figure out how to fix this at the time, but now with the new skin colour, I can finally fix this drawing!

At first I thought it will just be a simple fix on the skin colours, but it turned out to be couple hours of work as I have to adjust quite a lot of stuff especially the preggo and pr0lpase variations etc.

I was hoping to maybe make this drawing into 16:9 ratio as well, but sadly the characters’ full body isn’t drawn in this drawing, with the girls’ and dudes’ feet just not drawn at all… it will be wayyy too much work to draw in all the missing detail, so I guess I will have to leave it as it is… =3=

I also fixed Kasumi’s and Marie’s breasts a bit since in the old version the nipple heights aren’t even… good I am able to spot it now XD

Hope you guys like this fix~




I love how the new version looks! The new variant is really nice too. Appreciate you going the extra mile to touch up your previous works, even if it isn't necessary (the old set was great too imo). Looking forward to the completed onsen set! I'm sure it will be amazing.


Oh wow, I wasn't expecting to see this, but the new colours look quite great. The hand marks on the bottom-right ass look especially vibrant with the new colours. Thanks for putting the effort in to making this already great drawing that much better!


haha thanks~ really glad you like the update of this drawing (*´꒳`*)