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Sorry for inactive. Wanted to make this drawing a doodle, but ends up making this too detail which took forever to draw…

I been having no motivation on drawing recently, so it was quite a struggle forcing myself to complete this drawing… >A< I hope the quality isn’t too bad…

Anyway, this is Mieruko Chan~ A scenario on what if she is haunted by super evil spirits, and harass her in a way she never experienced before~ But for her brother’s safety, she has to act cool and pretends nothing happen…

Hope you guys like this drawing! I will start sketching something new this week, but due to my depression I might start off a little slow, so please bear with me a bit more… thank you again for your support!

Full version: https://sta.sh/21agw7hgv4p5




Woah, nice! Those monsters must have been annoying to draw, but I really like the contrast between their rugged bodies and the softness of the girl’s body. It’s nice! Hoping you can navigate your depression, I know how that feels all too well. Keep it up, man, you’re doing great!


Thank you~ really glad youi like this drawing~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


鬱病大変ですね(&gt;_&lt;。) 貴方の作品はとても好きなので、どれだけでも待ちます! どうかお体にはお気をつけて! I'm sorry about your depression(&gt;_&lt;.) I love your work so much, I'll wait however long it takes! Please take care of yourself!


I can't watch full version


All previous artworks up to 2020 can be found in the link of this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-67335727