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Sorry for inactive…

Sigh, recently have been really struggling on drawing… Due to my depression, my mind feel super heavy all the time, and I cannot find motivation to do anything… After I started sketching something, I just lack the motivation to colour anything other than the girl… everything feel so tiring these days…

I feel so hopeless these days, and thinking about it, it is probably because I stop believing anymore… Back when I first start, being one of the best in art class, I always thought I am different, maybe my ability mean something… However, as I waste time and not practice as hard as others, I realize I’m far behind I am compare to the whole world, and now there is no time to catch up… Due to family situation, it is getting a lot closer to the point I have to stop this patreon and go do something else, and I often feel maybe I should just quit now and give up on everything… these days the last bit of motivation I got is basically drawing for you guys, my supporters…

Honestly thinking back, I have been in this mind state since early this year, I hope my drawings haven’t lose its charm due to my negativity… Anyway, enough emo talk…

I recently have been working on a doodle, but end up spending too much time on it, so please bear with me a little bit longer. Then after this drawing I will start sketching something new again, since, it isn’t like the “to-do list” will finish all the drawings itself haha… I will try pick my motivation back up and produce more drawings for you guys! Thank you so much for the support as always… >x<




Faut vivre comme on pense, sinon tôt ou tard on finit par penser comme on a vécu.


I hope you feel better soon, maybe explore different styles of drawing and find success there, or even try to find a stable job that you like and turn this patreon into a sideline hobby for some extra income, we will most likely still be here anyways.


Thank you for your support... honestly sometimes I feel so unconfident in myself, I dont even know if I want to draw anymore...( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒)