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Okay… I am getting too side track here haha… After this doodle, I will get back into doing those proper drawings~~

So… This is another idea I wanted to do for years… I always wanted to do something related to Chinese culture kinda drawing?? But whenever I think about outdoor setting, I always end up with a lake scenery, with like a girl sitting on a boat and tons of kool mountains in the back kinda thing…

I asked mum for what instrument to use, and she picked Pipa so here it is~

Since this is a doodle, most of the stuff are just quick photo edit, too lazy to draw all the details haha XD even the old man was annoying to draw lol… Since I am really bad with backgrounds, especially in huge scenery like this, I really just clueless on how to draw the water and the mountains... Hence why I will just leave this as a doodle... Orz

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy these doodle so far~~



Corporal Tommy

Hope? You don't need to ask me, I love them, this one is no exception.


Ah thank you! Tbh I was getting a little worry if these shitty quality doodles will bored you guys >A< but I am glad to hear you like this doodle as well (=^▽^=)

Frank Leo



Very nice, a huge improvement on her outfit, haha. Absolutely loving these doodles, so many new drawings so quickly, keep it up!


haha XDDD bewb expose is always niceee( ◞・౪・) glad you enjoy these doodles~