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Another doodle~ Please be careful of the wording you use on the reply!

Back when I wrote the story for swimsuit Zara, I always wanted to do a 2 part sequel for that drawing, but due to time limitation, I will only do the 1st part of this sequel~

I always wanted to try draw this kind of theme. Struggled on the poses quite a bit, since I aint used to drawing this kind of theme, but in the end I think I did okay?

It’s quite a fun challenge, hope you guys like this~

Full pic: https://sta.sh/0rba7eoy1qo




I'm getting an error that says the page doesn't exist. Do I need to be signed in to view the image?


Ayy, always wanted to see some /ss/ from you, this is too good! Love the expressions of the boys, they’re great. Wish I could have been this lucky, haha. Keep it up with the sketches, I’m really loving these~



Frank Leo

This is part of the monthly reward?


很高興你喜歡小黃文呢~ 因為我不懂打字,每次寫文的時候我都要用繪圖板,把字一隻一隻的寫出來,十分耗時間。(英文直接打比較方便呢~) 看看到時時間分配怎樣吧~


Haha thanks~ I wish I can get lesson from these girls too XDD glad you like this (*^▽^)/


These doodles will feature in the monthly content packs, but I haven't decide which content pack to feature which doodles yet(゜▽゜)


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