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Last drawing for the April content pack, pack should be ready very soon.

Also, my pixiv is now working again >w< yay!~

Fund by my friend Druže 

Sigh… Took me agesssssssssss to finish this drawing…

This time I tried put more detail on the girls, especially shading on her vagina and ass area I have work so hard this time around. But overall the girls themselves didn’t take me too much time.

But it was the add-ons such as speculum, then all the food stuff and background being the most time consuming thing to draw… 

So first off the background perspective was wrong, took me quite some time to fix from the original sketch, rescaled the back chairs and table etc quite a few times, so hopefully now it’s better…

Then after I almost finished on everything, I realized the desserts are too small. Despite them being mini desserts, it still way smaller compare to her body, so I have to rescale it last night.

Also struggled quite a bit on the cream itself, took a long time to figure out how I should draw the cream…

It was also annoying to find a photo which match especially what I want, have to go through areas in Tokyo via google map to find spots that are usable for this background… hopefully it looks okay >A<

I hope you guys like this drawing~~

Crop the drawing a bit for safety reason, don’t want to get ban on pixiv then here as well =x=

Full pic: https://sta.sh/01anogzujspz

Lastly, just want to let you guys know that I will be away for a week next week, so I am sorry for my absence in advance..




This one turned out just as great as I had hoped! Glad I went ahead and funded this idea and I'm excited for the release of the content pack! Also really glad that your Pixiv account has been restored. I wish they had informed you about the issue rather than just pulling everything down, but hey, at least it's back now.

Frank Leo

Where are you going for "away a week" ?


素晴らしいイラストです! ドリンクは、母乳、おしっこ、子宮ジュース・・・飲み放題ですね。


I am going on vacation starting from tonight~ Originally it was a trip for my parents to celebrate their 30th marriage anniversary, but due to surgery they didn't get to travel, so instead now they going to celebrate the succession of her surgery, and we will be going Osaka/Kyoto for a week~(≡^∇^≡)


ありがとう~~ そうですね~ 彼女のおしっこの塩味は、母乳と子宮ジュースとデザートの甘さと相性がいい~~(*´ڡ`●)


Thank you~ I am really glad you like this one~~ Thank you so much for funding this idea again~~(≧∇≦)/ ya the pixiv thing was annoying... I hope I wont run into any trouble again =x=


wonderfull pose...T.T Exelante !