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So… after some writing relating issue, I finally get to upload the Cleveland picture set onto my pixiv account on Monday night… everything looks completely normal until today, out of nowhere I receive an email and stated that my pixiv account is now suspended..

I always follow the site’s guideline on censorship, drawing black lines over private parts to make sure it doesn’t violate JP law. If there is cases where I forgot or didn’t do enough censoring, Pixiv will send me a warning email and tell me to adjust the specific work.

But this time, with no context at all, they outright suspend me… they could’ve temporary block the specific artwork which go against the site’s rules, and give a warning to let me know what I can do to fix it. But instead, they just ban me and I have no way to access my account for now. I have sent an email to pixiv and I really do hope I can fix this as soon as possible >A<




Huh, that's weird...


Pixiv what the hell, As you said, they should have warned you first, is that really something that difficult to do? :/ I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, deviantart did the same for me years ago, and it wasn't fun. I had hope Pixiv was different :(



Frank Leo

I read a post in some forum, forgot which one, last-night that Pixiv is starting to become "Tumblr 2.0" (referring to Tumblr's ban on "adult" contents) ...


Because the Japanese police are monitoring It ’s better to upload to a server other than Japan


Hopefully you get your account unsuspended , good luck, and all the best


WTF, pixiv is a sinking ship too now? They seemed so surprisingly forward thinking, especially for a Japanese company. Guess they had some internal "restructuring".


IKR... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ tbh... it was this exact reason of dA delete your stuff without any wanring, that gets me annoy and leaving dA in the first place... Pixiv was my main place to post art, this was really annoying.. I really hope this can be fixed soon...(‘A`)


damm... that's super annoying... I hope they can at least give me a chance to fix whatever it is that got me ban ( ´_ノ` )


Ye I know, but I believe I done enough censoring on the drawings... They could at least give me a chance to censor it further if the drawing was causing trouble ((o(;△;)o)) I don't know any other drawing site that is similar to Pixiv tbh...


Sigh... pixiv was a lot more forgiving before, will give warnings or block artworks until it is fixed etc... but this time it just ban me without any context, really upsets me o(;△;)o


It seems that this has been happening a lot more recently. People getting suspended on Pixiv, Patreon, and other sites without given so much as a reason as to why. I hope you can get your account back without much trouble. Wishing you the best.


For example, can you say it's fair if the police arrest you without telling you anything ? it This Disaster !


ya... oh well, today the ban was lifted, so it's all fine again ^^


Hey there .. yeah I just got suspended yesterday there too. I have no idea how to get un-suspended .. can you give me advice on what to do. Exact same circumstances as you .. one drawing triggered it (a fake magazine cover with a demon guy on the front with words covering his gens .. figured that would be fine since it covered everything). I did send them a message following the ‘support’ link from the email they sent .. and I deleted that pic .. seems they didn’t have a problem with anything else. Very worries as my income depends on those people and Patreon (who have also been total nazi’s about my work .. but that’s a different gripe). Would appreciate any suggestions on how to get un suspended.