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Fund by my friend Druže

Been working on this sketch for past few days…

As the second part of the Azur Café idea, here is Belfast presenting herself as a dessert to a lucky customer~

Had quite a hard time deciding the angle and pose use for this drawing idea… after a few times I finally got something that is how I imagine this in mind~~

The pose itself wasn’t easy, with this kinda of extreme foreshortening angle, it was quite hard to get it right without making Belfast looks really small and out of proportion… then to draw Formidable having her bewbs resting on top of Belfast as well, took a few tries but overall I am very happy with the result~~

The main idea for this drawing is actually prolapse cake, but just to be safe I will put the prolapse page on stash instead: https://sta.sh/0129szuhw666

I have also changed the old sketch, in the back instead of Illustrious it is now Formidable instead, after all since she is a maid she will fit this theme better than Illustrious~

I hope you guys like this sketch~~




Oh damn, wasn't expecting this. Decided to work on it quietly, huh? Well it looks amazing, I like both of the ideas quite a bit, haha. Prolapse version of the second image looks so yummy and I love how Formidable's boobs are still leaking milk. Overall a great set and I can't wait to see it finished!


Oh boy =D epic stuff! Especially the prolapse version. Serving food in or on a prolapsed womb is soooooo sexy!


That second one does look pretty neat


Looks really good!


haha XD I am really glad to hear you liking this set~~ and yes, Formidable is quite milky(☆▽☆)




A great artist never collapses under any adversity !!

Frank Leo

how are things with you these days?




was a little depress last week tbh... but other than that I am mostly fine( ゚▽゚)/


I would eat at this restaurant, looks 5 Star to me.