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Commission by my friend Yuubari_

Haven’t work on something with so many pages for a while, forgot how tiring it can be, all the planning etc…

I first try sketch this around July, but after 5 tries I just can’t get a pose/angle that I am happy with… after leaving this a while, trying it 2 more times I finally got a pose that I am happy with~

This time’s idea is to have Cleveland being strap onto a disable urinal and get use by everyone~

Originally was going to use the normal A4 ratio, but since the idea is a livestream, it was decided that 4:3 ratio work best for this drawing~~

Gave her tons of expressions, quite a lot of details changes as well on every page, honestly seems like quite a lot to do lol… o well I hope you guys like this…

All pages (prolapse starts page 26): https://sta.sh/21oj7t4mm52s




Looks super awesome! =D


I really like the sketch! ~ Can't wait for it to be finished ^^ The expression are super nice too~


Wow, this is a pretty big set. I know Abigail's was bigger, but this must be up there. Lots of cool themes in this one, excited to see how it turns out!


This looks like it's going to be good

Frank Leo

interestiNG, this set


Hm, not my type of setting. But the pose is awesome, so as long as I get a non-bg version I will be happy.




This time’s idea is Wonderfull ! But I don't know why But for some reason, I didn't receive any news from Google Mail, so I was late to see it. You always make me look forward to it !


haha glad you like the pose~ and yes there will be a BGNA version( ゚▽゚)/




hm.. that is weird... oh well I am glad you liking this sketch~ thanks for comment~(=^▽^=)


Man, that is a lot of hard work, well, just take it easy, all right?