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Patreon request from my friend ad-referendum (Frank Leo).  

Ah… Finally finished this drawing… Took me so long to draw…

I knew this drawing has tons of details, but it has taken way longer than I thought… The transparent white dress itself is super easy, But details like the crystals, I have to line it 3 times, and tried 2 different approach on colouring it until I am satisfy with them… not to mention all the details on her gloves and stocking, was a huge pain to do…

As I want her panty to be transparent as well, I went with a full lace design, which all the details I have to draw it in as well… was quite a lot of pain but in the end I think it’s worth it!~ Especially in the full resolution version if zoom in, you can actually see her vagina!~~~

Aside from Artoria herself, the background was a huge pain as well…

As usual I hate drawing male, was super lazy on colouring them.. I hope they look okay…

I took like 2 hours trying to draw those chandelier by hand, but in the end I realize my skill just isn’t at that level and so in the end I just did some photoshop stuff… hopefully it looks okay.. On the SFW version there is also a champagne tower, was a lot of pain to do so I really hope it works…




Looks great! But why draw males if you don't like to?


Thank you ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Drawing the males help build the atmosphere around the setting, and also make the drawing feel more kinky, can't always just stay in my comfort zone I guess... right? XD


She looks really sexy in the dress, I really like it, good job!


Epic quality! She looks absolutely amazing, the scenery is also wonderful! I obviously enjoy the prolapse content most and that's incredible too <3


It turned out great. She looks super hot. Well, the creeps are just furniture, so that level of detail is more than enough, lol.


thank you~ I am glad you like this drawing (≧∇≦)/ haha I am glad you like the prolɐpsed version too~ When I sketch it I wasn't sure if the piercings choice were good enough, but since you like it I guess it works out just fine~~


Thank you~~ glad you like this (o^∀^o) haha ya, cba on them XDD not the main focus here XDD


Great prolɐpsed version ! and Amazing nipple sex toy too-!T.T I Will continue to support you Forever !


Thank you~ I am really glad you like this ((o(´∀`)o))


Those are some weird looking masks on those old dudes, but Artoria herself looks divine.


Those mask are wore by other characters in the game, I am putting these mask on their face as an easter egg XD glad you like her~(ノ^∇^)

Frank Leo



素敵なイラストですね~( *´艸`) 彼女の子宮のジュースを味わってみたいです。


ありがとう( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 子宮のジュースはどんな味ですかねぇ~?甘い?それとも塩っぱい? どちらにしても、ぼくは彼女の子宮のジュースは美味しいと確信しています~~


"Fancy" party, nice work xD