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Sorry for inactiveness and haven’t been working on any drawings for past week. Now that I have been back for 2 days, I have been trying hard to get my motivation back on drawing… Not drawing/sketching for a week+ already made me feeling really rusty and having trouble to work on any drawings Orz.. So I decided to doodle something to try force myself get used to drawing again!

So this is an idea I had back in last November, when I visited an onsen hotel, I was resting on a chair after bath, and in front of me was a massage chair. Then this inspire me on an idea of a girl falling asleep on the chair without realizing her parts are showing~~

I been thinking which character to use for this picture, in the end I decided to go with Suzuka as she is quite cute and I never drew her before~

Titled “無防備の鈴鹿御前”, The situation basically is, Suzuka after taking a nice onsen bath, she decided to use the massage machine to relaxing her body. But as she was too relaxed, she unintentionally moved her body during her sleep which resulting her bewbs and pussy is exposed!~ It won’t be long until people who walk past the hallway to see her in this state, these people will probably take photos of her, or might even masturbate and cum onto her body as she sleeps~ what will happen it’s down to your imagination XD

The outfit is shiet hard to draw, that's why I put the requirement so high LOL. If actually doing this drawing, might add versions such as people cumming on her body, version where she wakes up and embarrassed about the situation, full nude and prolɐpsed version~

Anyway, hope you guys like this doodle!~ I am gonna work on the L.Alter Royal Icing drawing, and hopefully get it finish by Thursday night~ Thank you everyone for your patient!~




I really like the idea!


She looks super cute. I would enjoy seeing it finished. Though I'm not a fan of voting with likes and comments. Too often I've seen people bored by amazing art and hyped about crap, lol. Let's hope it's different in a small circle like this.

Felix Shih



Sugoy situation !


後面的頁可能會有手機圍拍, 到時可以加上芒果特寫~( ゚▽゚)/


I bet she won't even notice the eyes ogling her.


Unless the people start making too much noise or she can feel the sudden increase of shadow around her XD