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2018… wtf its already over?! I barely done anything this year… FML…

Hm… this year… emotional roller coaster… more down than ups… but still better than last year so overall its fine I guess… Except for early this year and (especially) July where my parents really drag my mood down, and the artblock depression month of October, everything actually turn out alright this year…

This year I manage to reach one of my dream goal, get a doujinshi printed and sale, I can only make this possible all thanks to you guys’ support!~ 

Sadly due to my inability, I was unable to reach the $1500 goal so in the end I won’t be doing anymore of “Kemono Love” and the Zombie pack. The biggest regret of this year is that I let my emotions affect my drawing ability…(✖╭╮✖) Luckily after bit discussions with my dad I can slightly extend my drawing time until April-ish next year, so I still have a bit more time to do more drawing ideas for now..

Despite this being my final year+ that I can draw whatever I want, I failed to produce as many drawings as last year, especially for artblock October which cause my 2 months delay on content pack… (if only I can just shut off emotion and draw all the ideas I have...) ( ´_ノ` )=3

There isn’t much change to my drawing style this year.. Mainly just more experiments with backgrounds and lightings, and crazy prolɐpsed ideas~ also experiment on slightly new hair shading recently~

My top favourite work of this year will be the AtagoXTakao pack, Abigail Tentacle pack, and also the Okita Souji drawing. I was quite surprised on how AtagoXTakao drawings quickly become one of my “most favourited” drawing on pixiv, and I am really glad you guys enjoyed that pack so much!~ I am also happy to say I actually reached 40k followers on pixiv 2 months ago!~~ Thank you!~ (´;ω;`) (a celebration drawing on 50k fo?)

As for 2019, I really don’t know what the plan is for next year as I don’t have much time left to draw… But I will try my best to get more quality drawing out for you guys! Start off by finishing BB set in the upcoming week of January XD (70-80% done on the pack now…Orz )

I also want to try print 1-2 more Fate doujinshi, as well as a possibility of a Azur Lane doujinshi, so next 2 months I will focus more on single drawings instead of picture packs (which hopefully can help me catch up on the schedule of content releases..)

Finally, I want to thank everyone for your patient and support this year. I am sorry I failed you guys a lot, but I will keep trying my best!! (Hope I won’t have many emotional breakdowns) I hope the future works won’t let you down!! Thank you!~ m(_ _)m 

Happy New Year! !! (/^▽^)/
New year drawing will leave it until February-ish XD 




Who knows, maybe 2019 will be your year? (Or at least it will come close)


Happy New Year! I hope you can continue what you love doing! I'm hoping for the best for next year! Emotions is what is make you who you are, so if you would turn them off would that still be you ?

Frank Leo

Thank You also


thank you for your support(*´ ▽`*) i dont know lol... o well if it gets the drawing done.... haha


Happy New Year mr.ppshex Question, how can I download these summaries? For us Japanese, I do not understand how to use this site is not familiar yet. I am sorry suddenly.


こんにちは~ あけましておめでとうございます!~ 簡単な日本語がわかります、日本語で話しましょう。( ゚▽゚)/


Happy New Year. If you really need to stop drawing, that will be a sad day, and a lot of potential will be wasted. I hope things will somehow work out for you.


Can you only keep your Patreon until April next year?


I am very happy to hear that you will be staying around next year as well and I hope that you'll be able to stay longer than planned. I have been following/supporting you almost from the very beginning and would be really sad if you'd have to stop creating that great and unique Art of yours. :( I am still hoping for some kemono set (or something similar) even tho we could not reach that 1500 dollar goal - who knows maybe you can still have some time for it. :D Being a professional Artist certainly is not an "average", easy life and becoming a well known and popular Artist is even more difficult indeed, but I hope you will eventually succeed. - EDIT: Happy New Year. ;)


Happy new year! Here's hoping that it's a prosperous one for you and your career. There were some ups and downs in 2018, but hopefully 2019 is your year!


I like the illustrations you draw. I like the illustration of "子宮脱" more. I hope your activities will last longer.


Happy New Year~ haha thank you for your kind message (。´ ∀`)ノ


ya sadly around April to May ish I very likely have to stop this patreon.. (´ ・∀・` )


I will have a think on the possibility of b3stiality works in future~ Just recently I havent been quite into b3stiality mood, I will have a think~ and thank you for your support~ happy new year ( ´ ∀ ` )


happy new year, thank you for your kind message ∩(´ ∀` ∩)


I am glad you enjoy my works, I will keep trying my best to provide more"子宮脱"! ( ・∀・)b


what crazy prolɐpse ideas do you have? Sounds intriguing ;)


I am not quite sure yet... just have to wait and see I guess ( ◞・౪・) feel free to suggest anything if you want though~