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Originally wasn’t going to finish this drawing until all other multi-pose pages are done, since as you guys know I really hate drawing background XD But as I need to have a drawing to put on the December month on the 2018 summary, I decided to work on the background and get this drawing finished yesterday.

At first I tried experiment with using photo then use photoshop to edit it into an illustration feel background. But sadly since I noob it didn’t turn out well despite spending a really long time on it…. In the end after discussing with mum I end up just drawing the building by tracing the photo, and adding some effects so it blends it better with the drawing..

Then the male… omg they are such a pain… I made a mistake on my first attempt by giving them too much detail, then half way I realize how this is too much work and I end up deleting the layer and completely rework on the male layer again… in the end I just made them faceless but still a really long and boring process to do… why dafuq I thought it was a good idea to challenge myself to draw something I hate drawing =3=…

Lastly, for BB herself I also gave her a bit update… this is like the 5th time I adjust her tan skin colour, as I realize with the background being so colourful, the colour on last WIP was a bit dull… so I have to adjust all her layers on the tan version again…

Still got 1+1/2 multi-pose page and also 1 single page to do… this whole picture set has become a lot more tiring than I expected.. I hope this page turned out well >A<




Looks great! I wouldn't have the patience to draw that many BG characters...


thank you! sigh.. I dont have the patience as well, my soul was crying inside as i was working on all those male characters... was such a long boring process... (´;Д;`)


Wow, amazing job on the background! Seems like a pain to do, but it turned out great!

Frank Leo

Thank You


Would really like to be there to take pictures of her, rawr...