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So… As I mention before I been having trouble on drawings for past few months, which is why there is 1month+ delay on content pack.. Originally I thought I can pick the speed back up and finish the September pack(for October Patreon) before mid-November (as I will be away for 2 weeks), but with me keep failing to produce sketch I am happy with, I realize this isn’t something that is do-able especially with the amount of work in the September pack.

This is my current plan on the September and October content pack, as you can see the main BB story pack still has quite a lot needs to be done…

As I see quite a lot of people left during summer, it is clear that there are some people not happy with my art block and the wait... So here I ask you guys a question, would you guys rather wait for me to finish the content pack and get it in early-mid December? Or would you want a past content pack of your choice? Or should I switch October pack around and finish that as the “September pack”?



Just do whatever is easiest for you. I have no issue waiting.


I don't mind waiting for the content packs.


Maybe you could bundle both content packs into a single megapack, or something to that effect.


啊 为什么要x掉那组 姿势好棒 更感兴趣的


I don't think that will be a good idea, as this will be unfair to those who pledge both months, while some others can get the whole pack for 1 month's payment