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After the finished BB drawing, past days I have been linearting these 2 Jeanne drawings…

As I was doing the base colour, I realize for both of the Jeanne drawings I did last December, I did quite a bad job on their eye colours… so this time I tried quite a few variations to finally get this one which I have suits these girls best…

Anyway just a small WIP update in case people think I am slacking again… (kinda..)

Also want to say that for those who are new here (if there is any..), at the moment there is 1month+ delay on the content pack, you will receive the content pack of your pledge month when it is finished~ Please be patient and bear with my slow speed…. Thanks.




I don't think anyone here think you are slacking xD And don't be too harsh to yourself, take your time to do your own things :>


Nice~ I think I slightly prefer the Alter version's pose, more emphasis on the hips.

Frank Leo



so you are a hip person? (๑꒪▿꒪)* [or a puss puss person?]


Looking good, excited for the final result!


I know it's just a preview, but I'd say they already look pretty nice