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Intuos 4, my favourite tablet.

I mostly use the Intuos 4 instead because it feels more responsive in my opinion, and the pen also feel a lot smoother (although this is partly because I draw so much it makes the surface of the tablet super smooth/shiny to a point it reflects…)

I actually got an Intuos Pro as a backup though, got it 2 years ago when it was on sale at my university for 100US dollar cheaper, and since I fear my Intuos 4 might die soon so I decided to get it.

Today was just another normal day where I try sketch a new drawing, but suddenly the zooming wheel stopped responding. I unpluged and re plug in the usb for the tablet but it still won’t work. Then I realized a small bulge around the lower left of the drawing area of the tablet, so I unpluged it and gave it a check. As I lifted it up I realized the bottom of the tablet was boiling hot, the bulge area also gave off a burning plastic smell. It was then I realized the tablet simply got too old, and a small part inside got overheat then start burning inside…

I got this tablet when I was 17, as a birthday present when I first got into my second highschool. Been using this tablet for 8 years now and there is so much memories with this tablet… it can now rest and let the new Intuos Pro take his place… Goodbye friend..




I'm really sorry, my condolences ç.ç


I'm really sorry to hear that your tablet broke...


Sorry to hear about that, I guess it was time for it to give up the ghost. At least it served you well for all the time you had it.

Frank Leo

... the power of Zorah Magdaros