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Underwear version: https://sta.sh/0ive7bxtjbu

Ah… I didn’t expect this drawing to be so tiring and time consuming… I know I am rusty at the moment but damm…( ´ _ノ` )

This was a lot more annoying than expected.. After I first show the 2018 fix on this drawing 2weeks ago, I started colour the nude version which was quite simple.. but then the outfits have to be also renew to match with the new body, as well as redesigning the uniform, as some of you might know I always lazy to draw outfit, to do all 4 outfit at once was surely tiring ((´ д`))

Anyway, I am glad I finally got this drawing finished… after starting it back in 2015 I have always wanted to finish this picture, even though I plan to drop the story for time being due to lack of skill and time.

HP2 (HentaiProject2) is the code name for time being since I am bad with naming stuff. It is a story about Saki (the second left girl)’s journey as a sex addict in a super unrealistic hentai world. As the story continues the other girls will join her, and eventually they form a “sex club” in school. It is a really huge story so that’s why I decided to just give up for time being… hopefully in future if one day, I am good enough and have enough time, I can draw it out as a manga or something (゜▽゜;)

Anyway hope you guys like this, nude version will be in the content pack. ( ゚▽゚)/
