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Ok, now the important thing is out of the way, here is a little blog post about my recent situation and emotional moment..

As some of you guys might know from previous post, I was on vacation with family for 8days last week. It was quite stressing as my mum always rushing everywhere, forcing me to get up early and just rushing all the time XD But the trip was mostly fun, if only it wasn’t summer it will be a lot better since it was FUKIN HOT…

But the trip went into an annoying turn, when out of nowhere on the second last day of the trip, my mum decided to randomly mock me for what I do. Since young I am used to having my mum always comparing other people to me, saying how other kids are doing better on whatever, but please not in a damm vacation trip please… saying how some I don’t care guy, studying “normal” subjects, working part time during summer, have driving license and shit… Being NORMAL apparently… then calling me useless because I am drawing instead of working a real job..

She takes 80-85% of my patreon income, in exchange she agrees to let me focus running this patreon for this year. But despite this agreement, she always hints on how she wants me to have a proper job, and that art isn’t a job.

The hour after I got really piss off, then she confront to me and ask why I am pissed off. “Was it because I am telling the truth? That the other kids are way more independent than you are?” “Or is it because you agree and realize how useless you are?” wow really mum? During a vacation, you have to say such hurtful things out of nowhere and try to make me feel worthless, to hate myself even more than I already am?

That day I was so sad and crying inside my heart, talking with friends on my phone hoping to feel better, but the way she talks that day really hurt me hard… I really hope one day my parents can be more supportive in what I do...

After coming back from the trip, I have more talk with my close friend and my cousin, they told me she was just being a bitch that day and I shouldn’t hate on myself and feel useless. After a bit resting I feel slightly better now, at least no suicide thoughts for the time being so that’s good lol..

Anyway, now that I feel slightly better, it’s time to get back into drawing again… Really need to work faster as I am quite behind on drawings atm TwT wish me luck!



Frank Leo

I actually hope you would have told me this "event" when I messaged you on STEAM the other day. Why is your mother taking percentages from your income? ... and since she is taking "your money", how are you "not independent enough"?


Your mom should leave you and your money alone, that’s your own earnings that you’ve been working hard on, job or no, she can’t really take it from you.


<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/new/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/new/</a> somewhat helpful, maybe? But I agree with question, why she is taking 80% of your income? A bit too much for a rent, no?


Tbh, this sounds to me like high time to move out.


Kinda an Asian parent thing.. If no longer studying and earning income, good kids usually gives 20-50% income to parents. But since I am working home and not really doing a real job, mum wants me to take charges for rent, food and travel cost etc. It started as 60% when we first discuss, but then turn into 80-85%... Originally this was meant to make them less unhappy about my current situation-refusing to find a job like normal people so I can draw hentai for a bit longer. All my friends say I am letting her take too much, But if that allows me to draw without any stress this year then so be it. But sadly despite she is taking so much, she still often hint in a way as if I am a NEET, doing nothing and wasting time... which makes me feel really sad..


She openly mocks you and mocks everything you spent years building with hard work, while taking over 80% of the money that work earns. How can she be surprised that you're pissed off afterwards? Anyway, regarding her taking 80-85% of your income, I would recommend sitting down with your parents and making a monthly budget plan, to figure out how much you actually owe them, including food, electricity, water, rent, etc. If they're not hard-pressed for money, I would expect a parent to give her son a fair flat rate for living expenses to support him. Though she seems the kind to wait for her son to "snap out of it" or "get over that phase" and start acting according to her ideals, and work a boring accounting job "like all the normal people are doing". I don't know how much is left after patreon fees and taxes, and how expensive HK is. Would it be enough for you to live on your own?


As Asian parent thing, along with rent and other spending, it makes sense to give her a bit of money, but 80% certainly was too much. I only agree to do so just to make her feel happier, but instead she still often hint she is unhappy with my situation, and hoped I never had start drawing.


What is this reddit about? She say it is rent, electricity, travel and food spending. Honestly I don't mind the 80% thing, as I thought this will make them more happy and put less stress onto me. But I was really wrong, and so I really really need to have a proper convo with them soon...


HK rental is really expensive, moving out isn't quite an option tbh... Plus given how much I am earning through Patreon atm, I don't think I can survive by myself with that income... Living here is currently the best option.


Ya, I fail to see that logic tbh... Trouble is that the Patreon income is just not that high. Even my dad time to time will come to me and say how I am only earning 1k USD, and this isn't enough to survive, always trying to hint that I will have to stop drawing soon, which is quite annoying... Honestly I do not mind the whole 80-85% thing as this is only temporary while I do my patreon stuff, as I thought this will make them more happy and put less stress onto me. But sadly she still show her unsatisfaction towards me for not being NORMAL... Sadly HK is a really expensive city, with just 1kUSD income, this certainly won't be enough to live by myself..


Maybe you should make a plan to leave your parents and live by yourself.


HK rental is really expensive, moving out isn't quite an option tbh... Plus given how much I am earning through Patreon atm, I don't think I can survive by myself with that income... Until I actually get a job like normal people, living here is currently the best option.