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Hi everyone!

First of all, sorry I been inactive despite I actually got back last Friday, just RL stuff and emotional stuff making me lazy to do a post about it.

So.. I am not dead, and the June content pack should be ready by within this week. And here is the problem, due to my absence it is already half way into July, without me actually producing any new works at all. I do have another drawing that is going to get finish by the end of this week, but after that I will have to make a bunch of brand new drawing and it is certain to say there will be delay on July pack. 

Instead of making July ANOTHER empty month (unless this is what you guys prefer, another old content month), I was thinking from now on all content pack will be slightly delay and will be send to you guys individually via personal messaging (back to the old style). I could continue using the current method to release content pack, but I realize this might allow some newer patreons to get 2 content packs by just supporting 1 month, and I feel that’s a bit unfair to you guys who been supporting longer…

By having delay and sending it via PM only, this will also mean new patreons can no longer see what they are getting first, as usually I post the drawing onto pixiv first then content pack after. This will also result only those people support in a certain month will get certain content packs. I am sorry that I have been working really slow and making things into this situation, I just prefer not to rush work and actually spend more time making drawings that worth your support. Please let me know what you guys think on this.



Frank Leo

Welcome Back


If you do not want new support download old work PM is OK i support many Creator some post i mistake it ;w;


I say don’t rush your work, “haste makes waste” so it will be worth it for us to wait.


I just feel it might be unfair if new supporters can pay only for a month but get 2or more months worth of content pack 「(゚ペ) And if you miss some of the older post, you can get them on my gumroad ( ゚▽゚)/

Takuya Sawatari

Hm, I vote for whatever works out best for you. Personally I'm happy that I can help you create all this awesome stuff, so I don't mind if some lucky guy can get his hands on two packs at once. Though receiving them over PM is fine for me too. And I'm fine with another old content month too.


Honestly doing content pack release post like I am currently doing is the easiest. It is also easy to send DM but sometimes I will have to click off those people who didn't really pay for the month. Also if there is problem with the pack, current method I can just renew the link, while as DM I will have to send another link which might cause confusion... But ya I prefer to see what other patrons think in case people not happy with those lucky guys...