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Since Erika had returned to work, things were not the same anymore. Sure, Kitty repeatedly said that it wouldn't bug her to stay home by herself like she was doing before when she lived with Mark alone, but it was not as easy as she thought it would be now that it was happening.

Syr was around to make her lunch, but other than that, she spent most of her time working in her workshop on secret projects, and Kitty wasn't always allowed to stick around and watch. Before, when she was denied access, she could just go play with Erika pretty much anytime she wanted, but that was no longer an option.

Wearing her pink latex catsuit with cat paws didn't allow her to do much around the house other than lying around on the couch or in her crate. With a stylus between the teeth, she occasionally texted Mark, but his answers were often short because he was busy working.

Yes, it wasn't as fun as before to spend time alone now that she was used to spending so much time with her lovers. The fact that she didn't have a job was now biting her in the ass. Erika was smart to have forced her to get her secondary school diploma, but the red-haired girl couldn't push Kitty as far as to force her to get a job, particularly based on Kitty's criteria.

"I would only do a job where I would get paid not to work."

Even Kitty thought it was unlikely ever to happen. She often acted cluelessly, but she knew things didn't work like that. The truth was, the real world scared her a little bit. She remembered very well how her life was before she met Mark, and it was not fun at all. Thinking about getting a job was not something she was ready to do.

This afternoon, she really didn't know what to do anymore. Lying on her back on the couch, she tossed a paper ball in the air and tried to catch it back between her rubber paws or feet. On that last try, the paper ball fell right back on her forehead before rolling on the floor… again.

"Aaaah! I'll go check again if Syr wants to let me watch her work. She can't be working on secret stuff all the time."

Kitty bounced off the couch and tiptoed to the staircase, felinely silent. She then climbed the steps on her four to reach the top floor where the workshop was, which made her rubber tail bounce around.

When Syr wasn't working, she kept her door locked, but she just closed the door when she was in it. Of course, Kitty knew she had to knock before entering, or else Syr would tell Erika, and Erika would punish her for breaking the rules. It was one efficient way to control Kitty's curiosity.

The small catgirl approached the door and was about to knock when she discovered that it was cracked open already. Perhaps Syr was done working on her secret stuff, so she pushed the door open with her rubber paw.

"Syr? Can I…"

Before finishing her question, Kitty clamped her mouth shut. Her friend was deeply asleep, resting her head on her arms on the big workbench. There were little pieces of white foam all over the place; she must have worked very hard today, crafting random things.

Kitty carefully walked in, perhaps she would just sit in the corner on the big pile of fake fur as she usually does, but then something caught her attention.

There was something new on the shelf, where Syr kept her most recent project, some sort of head half-hidden behind random artifacts. In the past, Kitty had seen Syr working with foam heads when she crafted hats and headbands, but this was not one of those. It was much more interesting.

"Is that... an… animal head?"

She carefully approached the shelf and began moving the few items preventing her from getting a good view of the unknown white foam head.

"Is that… a horse head?"




"I'm sorryyy! GAAAH!"

Syr grabbed Kitty by the collar and swiftly pulled her out of the room. It only took her a few seconds to go downstairs and throw Kitty in her crate and lock the door with the two big padlocks. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to erase what had happened and keep Kitty from talking through the bars.

"Syr! It wasn't my fault!"

"Yes, it was! I asked you to knock before entering my workshop."

"But, the door was open… It was an accident!"

"I will tell Master Mark and Erika, and you'll get punished."

"Okay, then I'll tell them that you want to turn Erika into a horse!"

"Nonsense! I don't want to do such a thing!"

"Well, I saw a horse head on your shelf, so if you are building a horse costume, I know it's not for me because I'm a cute catgirl, and I'm lovable as is! So that means it's for Erika!"

"No, it's for a client. And it's none of your business."

"Ah! Erika is going to be a horse!"

"Kitty, stop! That's not true."

"I'm going to tell her!"

"Alright! Alright! Stop it. I won't tell them you broke in my workshop, but you don't tell them about this project, okay?"

"Meow! And you have to let me out of my crate."

"Not a chance!"

"Okay, then. But you have to make me a cheese sandwich tonight."

"... Fine. I accept your terms."

When Erika and Mark weren't home, there was always something interesting going on that they would never know about.



Well they did have a big secluded yard, sounds ideal for dressage training. (also although kitty is right that she doesn't have the build a for a pony her diminutive size and weight would make her a fine jockey. Wonder if anyone of them knows how to weld a sulky )


Kitty logic is spectacular as ever!