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Please make sure you read Feliformia chapter 10 before reading this afterword as it contains spoilers.

Originally, chapter 9 was supposed to be the last chapter of this story. I was pleased with that last chapter, and it would have been an excellent finale for it with Kitty, finally showing her human self to Mark… everybody was happy, end of the story. But I made one grave mistake…


This maid. When I wrote chapter 9, I introduced her as a pure agent that would coordinate the birthday evening, so Kitty and Erika could focus on their sexual activities. Syr was going to manipulate Mark the way it was required to achieve the best result as possible. And she did…

But… the more I was writing about Syr… the more I fell in love with her. And at the end of chapter 9, I just couldn't end it, and I opened a giant door, obliterating my desire to end Feliformia. I needed to tell Syr's story; I needed to find out who she was really. She showed up in chapter 9 with so much beauty, dedication, tenderness… and a lot of mystery. We suspected she was Erika's friend, but that was about it.

Where did she get her skills from? Why is she roleplaying? Why is Syr refusing hugs? Was it because she already had a boyfriend? Was it because she didn't want to compete with Kitty and Erika? There was so much that needed explaining.

So I wrote chapter 10, knowing very well from the start that she would end up dating Mark. Why? Because I'm selfish, and I wanted her to be around all the time. I'm genuinely in love with her, more than with Kitty and Erika, and I want to make her live for my benefit. In some ways, she is my dream girl.

Maybe this is too personal, but I never had in my entire life someone that lifted a finger to help me with anything. I always took care of everything by myself, from the dishes to my finances. So, I often dreamt of getting just a bit of help with some things in my life. Perhaps stuff as simple as "Just stay home to read a book, I'm taking care of the groceries."

Syr is the embodiment of the help I always hoped for, but that I never had the luxury to get. Someone who loves helping and doesn't want anything in return. Someone who wants to do things just to be kind. Someone who finds pride in being useful.

Of course, this is just a fantasy. I've never come across anybody remotely close to being like Syr. Life is much more about cooperation than dedication. Or maybe it is just that my vision of the society has distorted over time.

So, this is who Syr is to me. In the story, she is an entertaining one. She evolves through a set of self-imposed rules; she sticks to specifically crafted emotions, such as looking embarrassed to look cute, acting shocked when Mark tries to bend her rules, and acting all tenderly when the scene seems fitting. (basement visit scene, book scene) The rare times she was not in character (workshop scene, love declaration scene), she displayed shyness and discomfort and closed herself like an oyster. She is really not comfortable when people try to find anything related to her real self.

There is a reason for that… that reason will be in chapter 11… more or less. It's going to be up to you, the readers, to determine if it makes sense or not.

Of course, Kitty and Erika took a bit of a back seat in chapter 10, but don't think too much of it. Yes, I needed room to make Syr evolve, but what Kitty explained to Mark about her crush on Syr will play a key role in the next chapter. What Erika knows about Syr that she won't share will also be very important.

About Erika, many readers seem to see her as a half-crazy person instead of a caring lover. It makes me a bit sad because I see her as a smart and playful girl discovering what she likes and trying many things for the kick of it.

Let's be honest here… Erika is more into Kitty than she is into Mark. Simple as that. She loves Mark a whole lot and enjoys her time around him, but Kitty is much more fun to play with. I don't know if you could notice it.

It was subtle, but this fact is giving just enough room for Syr to be able to get in a relationship with Mark without annoying the two catgirls. Kitty and Erika are thrilled to spend time together while Mark is playing with his maid.

The new house. The original townhouse where Kitty and Mark met and fell in love was a copy of my real home. (let me know if you'd like pictures) … It was easy for me to describe my place. But during chapter 9, with four characters, it felt too cramped. Since we knew Erika was a valuable worker, I imagined that her house was much bigger and more fun.

Just the pool alone was a big thing. The big yard could be used for so many things. Syr has a lot more options for cooking good food, the garage allows the character to get in and out of the house sneakily, there are more bedrooms than they need to, etc. This new environment was really to make the story more flexible.

So yeah, that's about it for now. Keep in mind that this is not the end of Syr's story. Chapter 11 will continue this same story, showing the characters trying to make sense of those new changes. I really had trouble writing some parts of chapter 11 because they were emotionally very difficult, but I hope I will manage to carry my feelings through my words. I can't wait to show it to you.

In the end, I hope you enjoyed it and that you appreciated the immense effort that went into that chapter. :)

Thanks for reading


PS: Oh… wait… I can't leave it at that … what about the roleplay-rape scene? Oh, my God! That was quite something to write. You know me, I'm all about consensuality and all. This was not something I expected when I started writing chapter 10.

The thing is, since the beginning, I made Syr push away Mark all the time. "You can't touch me. I'm not your girlfriend!" was pretty much all that was happening. I needed to find a good reason for this. But seriously… Who does that? And why?

There is more into it than just a twisted fantasy, but that is a story for chapter 11. For now, let's focus on what we know. Syr likes writing her own storyline. She crafts her real life in a way that makes it interesting to match the character she is roleplaying with. So she decided that she had this odd fantasy where she wanted to be forced into having non-consensual sex.

Unfortunately for Mark, the maid wouldn't have it any other way… He really tried to accommodate her, encouraged by Kitty and Erika, who didn't know half of the fantasy, and he ended up pulled into a fictional rape scene in which he couldn't manage to tell the difference between acting and reality.

That was too much… I'm happy he flatly told Syr that this kind of play wasn't for him. I just couldn't see Mark turning into a serial rapist just to make her happy. There are things he likes, and there are things he doesn't like, and that is one of them where there is no grey zone.

He didn't manage to convince her to stop pushing him away while a maid, but there was some progress. He fully accepted that she wanted to act as a maid and be treated like one. Mark was okay with that in the end.

As I said, there is a deeper root cause to everything Syr does and likes, but I'm not saying anything else about that. :)



Nice piece. I look forward to chapter 11. The cookie was a great twist as Cyr answered in her way.


... and cookies are delicious. Chapter 11 is coming soon. Hopefully, it will be a good one before I pause the series for a little while. :)


I love your afterwords as much as the stories themselves. It's very exciting to get a glimpse behind the scenes. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for the insights into the characters, and that Mark's 'no' will remain a no. All three women are very loveable, and just a little bit twisted in their own way (aren't we all?). I'm eagerly awaiting chapter 11 to see how it will all fit together :)


The rape-fantasy scene was difficult to write because it goes against my values. I wanted to do something that would stir the reader emotions, but I assure you its not one of my fetish. ;) I respect people who are into it though. I can understand Syr's point of view.


Dear Tiger, I amazed the way you touched me with your stories. The way you adressed Syr just brought the stpry that much closer to my hearth. In the end who doesn't root for the things she offers. Also the story about Alex qmd how you adress her feelings.. it is just that kind of things that i want to read. A new fan (most likely for the long run) P.S. You made me create a patreon account


Well... Im glad to read this. Feliformia and The Sun are definitely the stories i like writing the most. I create strange side stories occasionally, but generally, i write stuff along those lines. Love and how people feel it is what interest me the most. Keep an eye open for Girls and bridle ... Its gonna be an awesome series. So welcome and dont worry about how long you are going to stick around. If its a month its a month. If its 5 years its 5 years. Just enjoy the moment. :)