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Happy Friday!

Here is the second part of Feliformia - Chapter 10. I know many of you were patiently waiting for it, so here it is. :)

You know what? I'm not going to say anything about it. I'll keep everything for the afterword on Monday. :) That way I won't risk spoiling anything.





Loved it but also poor Mark. I feel for him (which, given the circumstance is also kinda weird. He's not really an unlucky guy after all ;-) )


Thank you again. I agree with Leon about 'poor Mark', but I like him even better this way (instead of him just being OK with it). (And I also really liked the mental picture of Erika in ***spoilers*** :D)


Overall, I think the three girls are bringing him something he needs. This guys if full of flaws. Kitty bring him stability and confidence, Erika brought him maturity and rationality, Syr brings him creativity and dedication. In return, he provides them all with unconditional love and an absence of judgment. He enables the girls to be themselves around them and would give everything to keep them happy. There is a nice synergy going on.


That's Mark for you. He is doing everything to please everybody even when it is detrimental to his mental health. ;) Some people told me they don't like Erika because she is too rough. But you can tell that she is the most caring girl in the world when you are looking at the big picture of her. I love this character so much. I can't wait for you to read chapter 11 because her real personality will really shine.


Great read. Agree with comments above. This story has wonderful twists and turns. Thanks for writing.


Again a great sequel, thank you, TS! It's happened as I feared. How can Mark stand it? Is he a sex machine who can satisfy three hungry girls? And is it really possible for four people to live together without any jealousy? I must smile at the thought of him presenting his harem to his parents. :-) Do you know the song "Triad" from David Crosby? It describes very well the same situation, only as three. I'm very curious about chapter 11.


Chapter 11 will actually talk about this exact topic. Your mistake is to think Mark is the central point of the family. Why is it not Kitty has 3 partners or Erika has 2 partners or Sry has 1 partner and 2 friends.


Hmm, I wonder, if Mark is really the "lucky guy" I thought him to be in an earlier chapter. When he has to please three girls. ;) Well done chapter, I'm looking forward to the next. You mentioned the end of Syr's arc is near. So I'm asking myself, if she will be just Elizabeth and not Syr anymore...


Yay, fun as ever! The proof reading was a little more shaky here and there this time though :) Still makes me happy!


Glad to hear you liked it. And aww... sorry to hear about the proofreading. I re-read it often and thought it was pretty clean. I won't hide behind my language barrier for this. I'm curious. What kind of errors did you find? Was it gross inattention mistakes or was it more something related to my deficient English? (like idioms or the way I say things?)


I was thinking if the Feliformia story was missing some details about the catsuit. It only mentions their paws (hand). Do they have hind paw and walk on their tiptoe or they walk on all four like cats ? Maybe it is possible to make the suit more realistic as cat with details ?


The suit won't get more realistic. I'm happy the way things are. Feliformia is very much about how we are and feel as human. The catsuit is merely a cute mask to carry the character's emotion. That said, Erika and her more realistic furry suit will be featured in the upcoming chapter. :) Perhaps something more realistic could be featured in a new story later. Lots of people seem to want to go deeper in the transformation theme. I'm not against the idea.