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As the title suggests I have finally finished the Bioshock Infinite shotgun, it took a while to size and test the springs that everyone can just buy to complete this build without the need of anything special. Due to the number of parts and details that this prop has I have created a simplified version for printing on FDM printers and then a more detailed build that has all the scroll work as seperate pieces which can be printed on fine detail FDM or DLP printers. The files are separated by their name 'FDM Build' and 'DLP Build', both have slightly different BOM's and assembly instructions due to there slight differences but nothing substantial.  

The basic pack of springs I bought to build was roughly like this (link below), it's just a generic set that you can find everywhere on ebay and just has a wide assortment of springs.


I have attached the files for the FDM build but the DLP build is quite larger so this will be in the Dropbox folder. The CAD modeled for the Tinkerer's Tier are also in the respective Dropbox folder.

As for other builds, on my diner time break in work I have been working on the Fallout 4 Mechanist helmet as I've wanted to do it for a while but have always got side tracked. Below is the current look of the helmet, I still need to tweak everything as the scale of the helmet and its features doesn't look quite right but it shouldn't take me too long.

I have also been progressing with the Ghostbusters proton pack, I'm currently just doing all the fine details of the little fuses and regulators as the main body of the pack is basically done and the geometry is very simple. Below is one of a dozen little fuses and regulators and knobs on the pack.



Habiteer Workshop

jeezus man, this is crazy, can't imagine how long this took


Yes it took a long time, longer than I thought due to the scrollwork and the artwork I had to work with for the lever arm mechanism.


Are there any renders of this beaut 😍