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For the general modelling of the pipboy, its basically complete for the main body. I have started printing the parts and will be making adjustments as I go. I will now start working on the leather brace and catch, my plan is to produce a flat pattern and cutting layout of the parts needed so any of you can reproduce it by just cutting the parts out and glue or sew the parts together. 

For the tape deck mechanism, currently my plan is to have it stationary until I see it working from the BETA or if there any updated trailers released in the coming months. With the position of the side brackets and the length of their pivot points I cannot see how the thing will move without contacting the screen bezel. So, I've decided to just crack on with the model as is and complete it so you guys can print it then just go back and revise it when I have more information or references.

Additionally, I would especially like to thank the amount of people who have recently joined in to support me. And a thank you to everyone in general to has supported me thus far. Your support continually drives me into making better and better props for all of us to enjoy and bring stuff like this to life. 



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