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Phew, hope you're all doing well! Got the Devil Furina into the game and she's looking mighty fine! Whew.

Honestly, even though I designed it, it's one of the best succubus concepts I've seen... obviously there's bias in that, but still, that double lace up body suit that then goes into a bat shaped buckle at the back is... genius! :D

Having said that, some have made mentioned of liking it, but would also like it less lewd... which is tough, because she's a succubus, and it's inherently a pretty lewd outfit :P

What's the best way to reduce the lewdness? I feel like I might just have to bring in a swim suit from one of the other ladies (probably HuTao) and put it over Furina. Which would probably work well for eventual swimming auto toggle!

Either way, once she's done, she'll get a bigger multi-toggle treatment, and eventually a mega toggle... after which we can start exploring more body variations.

Mod Info:
Work in progress mod of Furina Angel X Devil. Toggles between Angel form in Pneuma (light) and Devil in Ousia.

Original designs for both.

Devil form still WIP - texture detailing and some weights tweaking left to do.

Still have plans to add an additional couple of elements to the devil form to allow for a bit more range (Witches hat and witches sleeves).

Furina Angel X Devil WIP Auto Toggle (Link to Download Post)




Aiming higher and higher every day huh Lewd?


This is clean asf


If the sock in devil mode be black ……wouldn't it be better?


sock? The cutouts at her feet? Yeah... that's how I wanted it. To give the hands/feet a bit more design interest/contrast than a solid black.


This looks nice, but can we maybe get a version with her original clothing her somewhat wearing it. Like open top to see the lingerie and no pants?


~What I was thinking is that if the feet be black too, the legs looks longer in full view of the body. Anyway,OK If it is meant to be like that.


is there a way i can swap the angel mode with the fully clothed angel mod you made earlier?


Replace the non DDS files in the relevant directory, edit the draw vertex limit in the ini. Or wait for me to finish the mods and make a mega toggle :P ... or I'll probably just put out a more fleshed out mod toggle package in a day or two.


I wish you a good week sir lewdlad


Great, hoping to see the variations too, maybe one not nsfw