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As mentioned at the end of the previous entry (i.e. here ---> ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/rivalry-begins-41644186 )), I had an epilogue planned out for "The Rivalry Begins" story, which we'll cut to the beginning of... now. X3

It starts off with Candi in her rather nice-looking apartment (namely her rather pink, but still nicely-decorated, bedroom), while trying to put on a sporty pair of purple jeggings; and later coming to the realization that her bulbous butt might be a little too bulbous for them to fit into.

"Come... on!" she huffed, as she tried to pull the violet fabric over her huge haunches. "Get... in there!"

Candi was frustrated over the whole affair. Not just because her nice jeggings (that were supposed to be "one size fits all") didn't seem to fit her anymore, but because she couldn't seem to fit into any of her nice clothes, on nearly any level.

You see, after trundling and sloshing her way back home from her humiliation at the hot dog eating contest, Candi had to lay down and "sleep off" the veritable food bender that Ginny subjected her to (even though her current situation was probably just as much Candi's fault as it was anyone else's), and after resting and giving her body time to digest, it typically bounced back to its perfect, "Juicy Thicc!" self; a self that was best known for its beautifully huge boobs, its perfectly bubbly booty, and its squishable (but still very cute) muffin-top belly.

But this time, things were different. This time, she pushed her body beyond its normal limits, and in the process, attained the unthinkable; bringing into fruition something that Candi never even knew was possible. A realization that was so terrifying to her, she screamed as soon as she bore witness to herself in a mirror.

It was the discovery that she was now fat.

Truly, it was unthinkable; inconceivable even! After all, Candi had binged on snacks and junk food before on countless occasions, and never, not once, did she ever seem to gain a pound; and even when she did, it was always in the right places (as she herself liked to put it).

But now, this time, it seemed like all of those acts of gluttonous debauchery had finally caught up to her; for now, her beautifully huge boobs were replaced with a pair of monstrous mammaries (that also subsequently replaced all of her t-shirts with ill-fitting crop tops). Her perfectly bubbly booty was now a proverbial dumptruck of an ass, and her squishable (yet still cute) muffin-top belly had been transmogrified into one hell of a spare tire (namely the kind you'd put on a rather large jeep or SUV).

The fact that all of this adipose had been packed onto her in the span of a day and a half was just the icing on the metaphorical "screw you" cake that life had given her; a cake that she would've gladly thrown back at life, if such a thing were even possible. And as she continued to struggle with the simple act of putting on pants, both her patience and the jeggings themselves, would eventually just be torn asunder; resulting in the following statement.

"You know what!? Fine! I didn't want to wear pants today anyway!"

It was a declaration that was punctuated by Candi hatefully hurling her jeggings into a nearby trash bin.

She then stormed off toward her office studio. It was another particularly pink room, with various bits and bobs of video recording equipment, along with several "cutesy" posters and decorations adorning the walls; her fatty figure jiggling all the way, and her panties slowly creeping into the crevice that was her lavishly large rear-end.

It was a maddening sensation for her; they were the biggest, stretchiest pair of undies that she owned, and right now, they were trying to Houdini themselves into a thong (a trick that she was most unimpressed by).

"Guess I better update my Tweeter," grunted Candi as she entered the doorway. "Let the simps know I won't be online for a little while."

The simps, by the way, was the "loving" nickname she used to refer to her many fans, though not to their faces of course. After all, it was their gratuitously generous donations and subscriptions that made her so independently wealthy to begin with; she certainly wouldn't want to do anything that jeopardized her veritable meal ticket (even though many of her adoring fans could throw themselves off of a cliff for all she cared).

Candi then approached the heart of her studio, a custom-built desktop PC; colored in pink and white trim, with a pink monitor and keyboard set-up to match. The PC itself sat atop an oak desk and was surrounded by figurines of various anime characters and plushies (some of which were from properties she actually liked, though most were just set dressing for her online persona). The office chair that stationed itself in front of her desk was another custom-built piece of furniture, with pink and white trim; and as she wobbled up behind it, she promptly scowled at it, then savagely pushed it aside - causing it to twirl, then fall over with a crash.

Just by looking at it, Candi knew it wouldn't be able to accommodate her now behemoth behind (it was a shortcoming that she could never forgive in such a shabbily-made seat); and now that it was out of the way, she hunched over her keyboard, pulled up her Tweeter page, then began to write her 144 character or less update.

"Hey sweeties! <3" she typed with the fakest of sincerity. "Sorry but I'm not feeling well, so no new vids for a little while."

She then replied to that post with a new one right under it.

"Be sure to come back soon for more Candi goodness! In the meantime though, stay sweet! Kisses! <3"

Her two short messages were soon inundated with hundreds, if not thousands, of replies (all kind well-wishes from her many, many fans); but she didn't pay them any mind. She had better things to do with her time than to interact with the desperate, lonely masses; like languish over her newfound situation.

But before she could log off and go about her brooding, she noticed something (or specifically someone) new on the sidebar, under her "Who to Follow" tab; and upon realizing just who she was looking at, Candi's face turned the deepest, darkest, angriest shade of crimson that anyone's face could ever turn to.

It was that girl, the one from the contest; the fat-cat poser, who had the gall to make her look like a filthy scrub in front of all of those people! What was her name again!? Jenny!? Tinny!? No, Ginny! Ginny Gaines, that was it!

"Small-Fry, how dare you be on Tweeter!?" shrieked Candi as she pointed at Ginny's icon with the utmost fury. "You're not important enough to be on social media, you pea-brained pickle gargler! Why, if you were here right now, I'd slap that bitchy little smile of yours off of your dumb, bitchy face!"

She was tempted to just leave a series of scathing posts on Ginny's Tweeter account, but she ultimately decided not to; not for any noble reasons mind you, but so she could maintain appearances. Candi couldn't just go off on people, for seemingly no reason after all; it'd go against her "sweet as candy" persona that she had been cultivating online for years now. If her fans saw her acting like that, they'd try to "cancel" her for sure.

No; instead, she just bit her lip and chose to fume at her nemesis in silence. As she fumed however, Candi just trolled through Ginny's Tweeter feed, grumbling and grousing to herself all the while. Until eventually, she came across some links to Ginny's Boobtuber account too; and since Candi was already hatescrolling on Tweeter, she figured she might as well hatescroll on there too.

And as expected, Candi hated everything she saw on Ginny's Boobtuber page.

"These are the games you play!? Oh god, what are you, four!?"

"These are your funniest clips!? I've seen funnier material at a clown's funeral!"

"These are the thumbnails you use!? Do you even know how to computer, bitch!?"

Though with all of that said, she didn't bother actually watching any of Ginny's content - after all, Candi could tell that it was the absolute worst just by looking at it. Why even bother fully watching something that she knew for sure was already terrible?

"Seriously, it's a wonder that this dumb hag even has any fans to begin with!" she griped. But then, while pontificating over Ginny's seemingly rampant incompetence, something caught Candi's eye; something peculiar. Something that didn't seem to make any sense when she first noticed it.

"Wait a minute," she pondered to herself. "Is she thinner in these pictures?"

And sure enough, Candi turned out to be right; for the original clips and images she noticed of her nemesis were back when she was first starting off her career on Boobtube. Back when Ginny was merely kinda plump, rather than the tubby tabby that she first encountered at the pool the other day.

It may not have been much of a revelation, but to Candi, it felt like a major discovery. So out of curiosity, she started skimming through Ginny's archive of content, and very quickly noticed a pattern.

Namely, that the fatter Ginny had gotten, the more fans she seemed to get along with her bigger, heavier frame. Candi began to scratch her chin in thought, as she put together the pieces of Ginny's apparent strategy.

It was a strange one, to say the least; but in a way, it made sense. After all, it was kinda similar to what Candi herself was doing - relying on sex appeal to get fans, follows and views. But instead of just showing a little cleavage or nonchalantly squeezing her boobs together (a tactic Candi herself was rather fond of), Ginny was going with a different tactic; a tactic with ostensibly more specific tastes in mind.

"Oh you clever little slut!" declared Candi triumphantly, as she simultaneously stood up from her hunched position over the keyboard. "Of course, it all makes sense now!"

"Ginny Small-Fry couldn't hack it as a real Boobtuber," she proclaimed. "So instead, she starts pandering to the chubby chasers, then BOOM! An instant following! Why didn't I think of that!?"

In a way, Candi was genuinely impressed with Ginny's seemingly brilliant marketing ploy; not enough to stop hating her with the fury of a thousand suns, mind you, but it was still a rather clever idea all the same.

Appealing to the chubby chasers, the fat admirers, the whale riders of the world; sure it was a niche market, but doing that from the get-go would've probably made Candi's life a lot easier. At the very least, she wouldn't have to worry so much about maintaining such a "perfectly curvy" figure; after all, the bigger she got, the more they'd shower her with views and affection (and donations, of course). It sounded like a pretty sweet deal, but could she pull it off like her nemesis, "Ginny Small-Fry" seemed to do? Or would such an idea be just too niche for her, the ever-popular Candi Sizemoore?

Her train of thought was soon broken however, as Candi noticed a slight draft; namely one that blew across the underside of her colossal chest.

Apparently her huge breasts were trying to escape out of her incidental crop top, all while she was distracted by her recent epiphany. She immediately adjusted her shirt accordingly, while turning away from her monitor; thus leading to the scene pictured above, with Candi grumbling over her newfound thickness, but also realizing her potential for growth (both figuratively and literally).

"Yeah, two can play at this game!" she giggled maliciously. "I'm already one of the biggest influencers on Boobtube; why not be one of the fattest too?"

Candi let out a haughty laugh.

"In fact, I think I'm gonna be the fattest influencer on Earth!" she exclaimed with an evil grin. "Candi Sizemoore, the Fattest Gamer Girl Alive! Think of the views! The follows! The fans! And the look on 'Ginny Small-Fry's' face, after I upstage her at her own game..."

She then began to look over her bulbous body, as she started to truly feel it; appreciate it, even love it.

"And come to think of it, the BBW look really does suit me," stated Candi as she let her fingers glide over the adipose of her belly, then sink into the plushness of her thighs. "With the right attitude, and clothes, I think I can really make this work."

She smiled at the thought of being even bigger than she was now; at the thought of having even more fat piled onto her already Rubenesque form. Her added heft really was starting to "grow" on her (pun very much intended); it was kind-of exhilarating really. Who knew that throwing away the perfect figure for the fattest one would be so thrilling?

...wait, no, Candi didn't lose the perfect figure; she was already perfect, in virtually every conceivable way. So if that was the case, then why not make herself even more perfect by literally adding more of herself into the universe? By doing her absolute damnedest to make herself the fattest person there is, was and ever shall be?

Candi gave off another haughty laugh, but this time, it was tinged with a hint of madness.

YAAAS!!! Now was the time!

Now was the time to go all out; now was the time to be the biggest, fattest, most ravenous Candi that she could ever be! After all, if the "Small-Fry" could do it (that is, gain followers by gaining weight), then she could do it too! And if she ended up stealing away Ginny's fanbase, maybe even crushing her into the dirt (either metaphorically or literally), then well, that just made her new mission in life all the sweeter.

"I better start planning," stated Candi in an excited cackle. "I need to make sure I have plenty of clothes that fit me when I start getting really huge; maybe even get a few that show off plenty of T-n-A."

"Don't want to give the simps too much though," she continued. "I'll need to be sure to string them along, keep them engaged so I can milk them for every penny they're worth. Otherwise, how else am I gonna pay for all of my upcoming food bills?"

Candi then grabbed her smartphone and started tapping out a phone number.

"But first, lunch!" she declared while licking her lips. "Pizza sounds good, and 10 extra-thick pizzas sounds like a good start to a bigger, more perfect me..."

And that concludes our story; I hope you all enjoyed it and thanks ahead of time for reading. =3

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord




and thus the rivalry truly begins, hope we see more of everyone here in future installments!


I feel bad that I like Candi and wish her total success in her pursuit of being the fattest influencer ever.


I think I will become a fan of Candi and I wish her the greatest feast in her life. I wish I could hug her.

Tory Williams

I truly love this character! She is my goddess and we should all be giving our money and food to her. I desperately hope she grows larger than any character you have ever done and she loves it all the way!