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When last we saw Ginny and Candi (i.e. here ---> ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/rivalry-begins-2-40707865 )), they were in the throes of an epic duel of gastronomical proportions, as the two continued to munch and gobble up every single hot dog in their wake.

The flavorful fracas between the two of them had been going on for several more minutes now, with neither side seemingly willing to give up any ground; all the while, both of their respective bellies continued to grow and groan under the pressure of such rampant and unabashed gluttony.

Truly, it was a sight to behold, as both Candi and Ginny's respective stomachs bloated up even bigger, and bigger, and bigger; all while their once mountainous piles of hot dogs began to slowly dwindle away, with platter after platter being reduced to nothing more than empty dishware. They even went so far as to polish off the currently unattended trays of the other, now soundly defeated, contestants (after all, it's not like they were going to eat them).

But then, at a most unexpected moment, Candi began to feel something; something she never thought she'd ever have to feel before in her entire life.

"N-No," Candi thought to herself. "I-It can't be; not yet! Not now!"

For it was at that moment that Candi started to feel full.

Now, obviously, she felt full before; after all, there were plenty of times in her life where she felt both completely and sumptuously satisfied, especially after absolutely wrecking a good-sized plate of barbecue, or sushi, or even fried chicken (though often times, it was more like 15-20 plates of the stuff). But this time, it was different; this time, things were starting to feel strained, confined, even kinda taut.

It was because Candi wasn't just starting to feel full; she was starting to feel absolutely stuffed!

"Just how many hot dogs did I even eat!?" screamed Candi to herself, in the back of her own mind. She didn't know, and deep down, she wasn't sure if she actually wanted to know. All she could fathom was that her stomach, now an enormously rounded mass of food and flesh, was close enough to touch the floor - only hovering maybe a few inches away from the simple linoleum that was the ground.

Candi was shocked to say the least. She had never gone this far before; had never eaten this much, this fast before. And as she looked over to her opponent, she began to ponder.

"Who... who is this girl?" wondered Candi to herself, as she watched Ginny continue to push hot dogs ever further down her own thick gullet. "How... how is she doing this? How could she still be going!?"

Candi further studied Ginny, in a mixture of both admiration and horror. The toyger was just stuffing fistful after fistful into her jaws with such ferocious intensity that it shook Candi to her very core.

"How!?" she silently exclaimed. "How could this nobody - this two-bit, piss-ant nobody - be on my level!?"

Candi soon found herself getting angry. How dare she; how dare this little loser of a tabby, this contemptuous failure of a cat, step up to her like this! How dare she make her, Candi Sizemoore, the five-time Hot Dog Eating Champion of Mondo Moors, look bad in front of all of these people!

"Well... well I'll show her!" she thought. "I've never lost an eating contest before and this dumb floozy isn't gonna be the one to beat me!"

Despite Candi's rallying attempt however, ultimately, her sixth-year victory just wouldn't come to be. For after several minutes (and many more hot dogs later), Candi, the seemingly insatiable eating machine, had suddenly stopped.

She just couldn't take another bite; no matter how hard she tried to start back up again, no matter how much she tried to stuff just a little bit more into her already full belly, and no matter how much she wanted to keep going, she just couldn't take another bite.

And as for Ginny, well, she was in such a ferocious fugue state of wanton weenie consumption that she had to be told (several times) to stop; and even then, she didn't truly stop eating until after her final platter was rendered completely empty.

Thus, leading to the scene pictured above; with Ginny being declared the winner of the contest, by the rabbit MC mentioned earlier in this very story. And needless to say, both Ginny and Candi were left completely haggard by the entire ordeal; with Ginny barely being able to stand, her now swollen stomach virtually exposed to the world - and Candi, now schlumped out of her chair, left with an impressively titanic tum of her own.

Moreover, with the winner now officially decided, the audience released an uproarious cheer; or at least, that's what it mostly sounded like (there was also some screaming and a good bit of crying too - I guess Ginny and Candi weren't the only ones that considered this to be a rather harrowing experience).

In any case though, shortly after Ginny was escorted off the competitor's stage, Stu quickly waded to her, through the throngs of people that made up the audience.

"I-I can't believe it!" exclaimed Stu, once he reached his engorged quarry. "You actually won! How do you feel?"

"Awful" stated Ginny, who now started to feel a bit more lucid after waddling her gigantic gut off of the stage.

"I don't think I wanna see another hot dog ever again" she groaned.

Ginny soon realized a bit of chewed sausage was still hanging around her lips; she immediately made it a point to wipe it away with her stubby, yet delicate fingers.

She then noticed Stu moving towards her, in an attempt to provide her with a comforting hug. He must've figured that a warm embrace would help her ailing body, which in most cases, she wouldn't be against at all. In fact, she'd usually be more than happy to accept one - especially if said hug came from someone as handsomely cute as Stu; but right now, after engorging herself with what seemed like a half-ton of meat and bread, such a thing seemed like a terrible idea at the moment.

"W-wait!" gurgled Ginny as she tried to feebly raise her hands. "N-No hugs! I-I don't want to *mmf*... hurl".

Stu quickly stopped, and then suddenly remembered her monstrously distended abdomen. Seeing it wobble and churn about like it was doing was definitely something to behold; though he tried not to behold it for too long, so as not to fluster Ginny (or himself for that matter).

"Oh, r-right, sorry," chuckled Stu, with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. He quickly tried to change the subject, though it wasn't really much of a change in hindsight.

"I wonder though, just how many of those hot dogs do you think you had?" he asked.

Ginny moaned at his query straight away. As mentioned before, it wasn't really much of a subject change.

But then, a voice beside them answered his question.

"Eight hundred and seventy six."

"W-what?" queried Ginny and Stu, as they both turned to look at the person that answered their previous inquiry. They soon discovered that it was the rabbit guy from before; the one who declared Ginny the winner not that long ago.

"876, that's how many you were able to put down" he supplied with a warm grin. The two friends just stared at him in surprise.

"It really is quite impressive," the MC continued. "You broke a lot of records today, even beat out the previous champ by over 30 hot dogs at the tail end of it. You must be so proud!"

Both Ginny and Stu continued to just look at him. They were both completely flummoxed by his reply; they were left so utterly bewildered by it even, that an awkward pause allowed itself to just wash over all three of them.

"Er, anyway," declared the MC, in an attempt to break the silence. "I better get back and see about helping clean up the place."

He then turned away and started heading back towards the competition area, where the audience already started to disperse, and several of the coordinators began to start picking up or taking down the various decorations for the contest (as well as trying to haul away a rather bloated and befuddled Candi, who still seemed to be having quite a hard time processing her recent defeat).

"Thanks for coming by and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the pool party!" he waved as he briefly, yet sincerely, looked back.

Ginny and Stu soon found themselves alone again; he quickly made a new attempt to change the subject.

"So, ummmm..." Stu started. "Did you want to just go home and lay down for a bit?"

Ginny meekly smiled; a soft blush soon formed over her plump cheeks.

"Y-yeah, that sounds really good about now."

Ginny then briefly looked away as she bit her lip. She was hesitant to ask the next question, but it was something that she really, and desperately, needed an answer to; especially considering how her mobility very much depended on his reply.

"Could..." she began. "Could you help me carry this back home?"

Ginny then looked down onto herself, as she lightly placed her hands onto her now truly behemoth belly; her gigantic gut jiggling and wibbling slightly as she did so.

"I-It's kinda heavy..." she stated, as she looked away again in pitiful shame.

Stu immediately blushed at the idea, but was more than happy to lend a hand (or both of his hands, in this particular instance).

"Uh, y-yeah! Sure! Of course!" he replied with a reddened smile. He then swiftly glomped onto her prodigious paunch and began to lift as much of it as he could possibly carry.

It was definitely heavy, to put it mildly. How Ginny was able to even move off of the stage with it was an absolute marvel; especially considering how her stomach was not only touching the floor, but virtually being dragged across it. Even after Stu hoisted a large portion of Ginny's gut off of the floor, there was still a decent amount of it attempting to touch the ground; it was almost as if gravity itself had an interest in Ginny, and decided that it wouldn't ever let her go.

Verily, it was yet another indicator of just how amazingly perfect Ginny was to him in his eyes; an indicator that was made all the more perfect by just how soft her magnificently massive belly was, despite being filled to its absolute limit with food. And much like their previous hug, Stu wished that this moment could last forever; with him just getting lost in the pliable doughiness, the marshmallowy softness, that was her tummy. But much like previously, the moment ended all too soon.

"G-Gently!" squeaked Ginny with a deeply crimson flush now plastered across her face. "I d-don't want to hurl, remember?"

That last part was burbled out of her, as Ginny was trying hard not to release her stomach's contents all over the clubhouse floor, and by extension, onto her roommate as well (since, you know, nothing kills a victory more than upchucking onto your best friend and potential love interest). Stu quickly snapped himself back to reality, as he tried to ease up a bit on his eagerness to help.

"R-right! Sorry!" he supplied with a bashful apology.

And with that, the two then started to make their way slowly, and gently, back home; where this particular story now comes to a close. Thanks ahead of time for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it. =3

By the way, be sure to check out the epilogue once I have it ready for you guys, which will hopefully be soon. :)

all characters and artwork copyright SatsumaLord



edwinflores428 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 08:14:17 Yay for Ginny for her great stuffing victory! I personally hope we see more of Ginny & Stu especially as their relationship continues to develop~!
2020-09-16 00:27:44 Yay for Ginny for her great stuffing victory! I personally hope we see more of Ginny & Stu especially as their relationship continues to develop~!

Yay for Ginny for her great stuffing victory! I personally hope we see more of Ginny & Stu especially as their relationship continues to develop~!